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J-GLOBAL ID:201801016049300400   Update date: Sep. 30, 2022

Umezawa Kanoko

ウメザワ カノコ | Umezawa Kanoko
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Assistant Professor
Papers (2):
  • UMEZAWA KANOKO. Phospholipase Cε plays a crucial role in neutrophilic inflammation accompanying acute lung injury through augmentation of CXC chemokine production from alveolar epithelial cells. respiratory research. 2019. 20. 9. 1-12
  • Umezawa K, Nagano Tatsuya, Kobayashi Kazuyuki, Dokuni R, Katsurada M, Yamamoto Masatsugu, Yoshikawa Yoko, Kataoka T, Nishimura Yoshihiro. Phospholipase Cε plays a crucial role in neutrophilic inflammation accompanying acute lung injury through augmentation of CXC chemokine production from alveolar epithelial cells. Respir Res. 2019. 20. 1. 9-9
Lectures and oral presentations  (10):
  • S1P/S1PR3 pathway has the role in eosinophilic airway inflammation via release of CCL20 from bronchial epithelial cells
    (Asian Pacific Society of Respirology 2018 2018)
  • Gemcitabine enhances anti-tumor activity of Paclitaxel by Modulating Tubulin Acetylation
    (Asian Pacific Society of Respirology 2018 2018)
  • Xenon Ventilation Computed Tomography and Bronchial Thermoplasty for Asthma
    (24th World Asthma Congress 2018 2018)
  • 香川県中讃地区における農作業関連喘息に関しての検討
    (第49回職業・環境アレルギー学会 2018)
  • 当科における気管支鏡検査後に発症した呼吸器感染症の検討
    (第41回日本呼吸器内視鏡学会学術集会 2018)
Education (1):
  • - 2015 Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine
Professional career (1):
  • 学士 (北海道大学)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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