J-GLOBAL ID:201801016095346652
Update date: Feb. 24, 2025 Okada Morihiro
Okada Morihiro
Affiliation and department: Research field (3):
, Metabolism and endocrinology
, Tumor biology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 2024 - 2029 がん悪液質に関わる分泌タンパク質ネトリンの病態機能とその普遍性の解明
- 2021 - 2025 がん悪液質におけるカルニチン代謝を制御する分泌因子の分子機構解明
- 2018 - 2020 Identification of tissues and signals responsible for cancer-mediated physiological alterations.
- 2018 - 2019 生き物はどのようにして癌で死ぬのか?
Papers (20): -
Liezhen Fu, Shouhong Wang, Lusha Liu, Yuki Shibata, Morihiro Okada, Nga Luu, Yun-Bo Shi. Simplifying Genotyping of Mutants from Genome Editing with a Parallel qPCR-Based iGenotype Index. Cells. 2024. 13. 3. 247-247
Liezhen Fu, Emily Ma, Morihiro Okada, Yuki Shibata, Yun-Bo Shi. Competitive PCR with dual fluorescent primers enhances the specificity and reproducibility of genotyping animals generated from genome editing. Cell & Bioscience. 2023. 13. 1
Morihiro Okada, Tomomi Takano, Yuko Ikegawa, Hanna Ciesielski, Hiroshi Nishida, Sa Kan Yoo. Oncogenic stress-induced Netrin is a humoral signaling molecule that reprograms systemic metabolism in Drosophila. The EMBO Journal. 2023
Morihiro Okada, Tomomi Takano, Yuko Ikegawa, Hanna Ciesielski, Hiroshi Nishida, Sa Kan Yo. Oncogenic stress-induced Netrin reprograms systemic metabolism as a humoral inter-organ molecule in Drosophila. Jxiv. 2022
Hanna M Ciesielski, Hiroshi Nishida, Tomomi Takano, Aya Fukuhara, Tetsuhisa Otani, Yuko Ikegawa, Morihiro Okada, Takashi Nishimura, Mikio Furuse, Sa Kan Yoo. Erebosis, a new cell death mechanism during homeostatic turnover of gut enterocytes. PLoS biology. 2022. 20. 4. e3001586
more... MISC (5): -
岡田 守弘. 【がんと全身性代謝変容 がん悪液質を再定義し、代謝・免疫の変調への早期介入をめざす】ショウジョウバエが切り開くシン・がん悪液質研究. 実験医学. 2024. 42. 4. 522-527
岡田 守弘, Shi Yun-Bo. 小腸の成体幹細胞の発生過程におけるヒスチジン代謝酵素(AMDHD1)の役割. 比較内分泌学. 2016. 42. 157. 14-16
岡田守弘, 中島圭介, 矢尾板芳郎. 甲状腺ホルモン受容体α(TRα)mRNAの翻訳抑制の分子機構. 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web). 2011. 34th
岡田守弘, 田澤一朗, 矢尾板芳郎. Molecular analysis of calcium deposition in anuran dermis. 日本動物学会大会予稿集. 2009. 80th (Web)
岡田守弘, 田澤一朗, 矢尾板芳郎. 無尾両生類の真皮に魚鱗が名残りとして存在するか否かの検討. 日本動物学会大会予稿集. 2008. 79th
Education (2): - 2007 - 2012 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Science Department of Biological Science
- 2003 - 2007 Hiroshima University Faculty of Science Department of Biological Science
Professional career (1): Work history (6): - 2024/04 - 現在 県立広島大学 生物資源科学部 生命環境学科 准教授
- 2024/04 - 現在 RIKEN
- 2020/04 - 2024/03 RIKEN
- 2017/01 - 2020/03 RIKEN
- 2012/10 - 2016/12 National Institute of Health
- 2012/04 - 2012/09 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Science, Department of Biological Science
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Awards (8): - 2024/03 - 理化学研究所 理研研究奨励賞(桜舞賞)
- 2022/12 - Molecular Biology Society of Japan MBSJ2022 Science Pitch Award
- 2016/10 - Fellows Award for Research Excellence, National Institutes of Health
- 2016/09 - American Thyroid Association Trainees’ Grant, American Thyroid Association
- 2015/10 - 15th International Thyroid Congress Ridgway Trainees’ Grant, American Thyroid Association
- 2014/01 - JSPS Research Fellowship (NIH)
- 2011/04 - 組織的な若手研究者等海外派遣プログラム「サステナブル社会の実現に貢献する 自然科学系国際的若手研究者の育成プログラム」
- 2009/04 - 日本証券奨学財団 日本証券奨学財団奨学生
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