J-GLOBAL ID:201801016445849717
Update date: Oct. 02, 2022 Abe Hiroshi
アベ ヒロシ | Abe Hiroshi
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Papers (36): -
ENOMOTO Toshiyuki, AOKI Mikiko, NONAKA Masani, ABE Hiroshi. A case of pituitary adenoma with infiltration into the sphenoid sinus accompanied by melanocyte proliferation. Clinical Neuropathology. 2022. 41. 179-184
ENOMOTO Toshiyuki, MORISHITA Takashi, ABE Hiroshi. In Reply to the Letter to the Editor Regarding''Functional Prognosis Following Temporal BoneChondroblastoma Resection: A Systematic Reviewand a Case Illustration''. World Neurosurgery. 2022
ENOMOTO Toshiyuki, MORISHITA Takashi, AOKI Mikiko, NONAKA Masani, ABE Hiroshi. Functional Prognosis Following Temporal Bone Chondroblastoma Resection:A Systematic Review and Case Illustration. World Neurosurgery. 2022. 158. e287-e297
KOBAYASHI HIROMASA, MORISHITA Takashi, ENOMOTO Toshiyuki, FUKUMOTO Hironori, ABE Hiroshi. Enlargement of preexisting superficial temporal artery pseudo-aneurysm co-incidental to mask wearing during the Covid-19 pandemic. Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management. 2022
Hironori Fukumoto. Diagnosis and treatment of carotid web: case report. 脳卒中. 2021. 43. 4. 360-364
more... Books (6): - 頭蓋内椎骨動脈解離の施設間比較 -九州医療センターと福岡大学病院において-
- 後頭動脈ー後下小脳動脈バイパス術と瘤内コイル塞栓術を併用した椎骨動脈動脈瘤の1例
- 解離性椎骨動脈瘤に対する血管内治療
- CEAの手術手技
- 海綿静脈洞 A. 海綿静脈洞の微小外科解剖
more... Lectures and oral presentations (99): -
Surgical Technique and Variations of the Occipital Artery to Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Bypass
(Joint Neurosurgical Cnvention 2013 2013)
Identification of Venous Sinus, Tumor Location, and Pial Supply During Meningioma Surgery by Transdural Indocyanine Green Videography-The Eclipse sign-
(Joint Neurosurgical Cnvention 2013 2013)
A Role of Intraoperative ICG Videoangiography for CEA and STA-MCA Anastomosis
(Joint Neurosurgical Cnvention 2013 2013)
(第30回日本脳腫瘍学会学術集会 2012)
(第28回日本脳神経血管内治療学会総会 2012)
more... Professional career (1): Return to Previous Page