J-GLOBAL ID:201801016645946288   Update date: Sep. 16, 2024

Tateno Kouta

タテノ コウタ | Tateno Kouta
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Nanomaterials
Research keywords  (4): Solar cell ,  nanowire photonic crystal ,  Nanowire ,  III-V semiconductor crystal growth
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (7):
  • 2023 - 2026 Research on novel photonic crystal light sources using limit cycle oscillators
  • 2020 - 2023 development of hybrid nanostructured devices based on spin-orbit interaction and elucidations of their functions
  • 2015 - 2020 Novel Photonic Integration Platform with Hybrid Nanophotonics-Nanomaterials Systems
  • 2014 - 2017 Study of low-temperature formation of group IV nanodots made by use of Bi surfactant and its device application
  • 2011 - 2014 Quantum Correlation Photonics in Semiconductor Macroatoms with Ballistic Phonon Waves
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Papers (113):
  • Guoqiang Zhang, Kouta Tateno, Satoshi Sasaki, Takehiko Tawara, Hiroki Hibino, Hideki Gotoh, Haruki Sanada. Improving optoelectronic properties of InP/InAs nanowire p-i-n devices with telecom-band electroluminescence. Optics Continuum. 2024
  • Keiko Takase, Kouta Tateno, Satoshi Sasaki. Electrical tuning of the spin-orbit interaction in nanowire by transparent ZnO gate grown by atomic layer deposition. Applied Physics Letters. 2021. 119. 1. 013102-013102
  • Keiko TAKASE, Kouta TATENO, Satoshi SASAKI. Highly Efficient Electric-field Control of Rashba Spin-orbit Interaction in Semiconductor Nanowire Field-effect Transistors. Vacuum and Surface Science. 2021. 64. 3. 118-125
  • Zhang Guoqiang, Kouta Tateno, Takehiko Tawara, Hideki Gotoh. Stacking-fault-driven formation of atomically-abrupt heterointerfaces in III-V nanowires. JSAP Annual Meetings Extended Abstracts. 2021. 2021.1. 2537-2537
  • Masato Takiguchi, Satoshi Sasaki, Kouta Tateno, Edward Chen, Kengo Nozaki, Sylvain Sergent, Eiichi Kuramochi, Guoqiang Zhang, Akihiko Shinya, Masaya Notomi. Hybrid Nanowire Photodetector Integrated in a Silicon Photonic Crystal. ACS PHOTONICS. 2020. 7. 12. 5467-5473
MISC (9):
  • 対馬和都, 滝田健介, 中澤日出樹, 俵毅彦, 舘野功太, ZHANG Guoqiang, 後藤秀樹, 池田高之, 水野誠一郎, 岡本浩. Study on the formation mechanism of Bi-mediated Ge nanodots fabricated by vacuum evaporation. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 2018. 118. 179(CPM2018 8-19)
  • Self-organized formation of In(Ga)As and Ge nanodots mediated by bismuth. 2017. 117. 195. 1-6
  • SUZUKI Soichiro, SATO Shinya, IWASAKI Takuro, TAWARA Takehiko, TATENO Kouta, GOTOH Hideki, SOGAWA Tetsuomi, OKAMOTO Hiroshi. DLTS evaluation of carrier injection and emission properties in In(Ga)As stacked quantum dot structure. IEICE technical report. 2011. 111. 176. 7-10
  • 加藤景子, 石澤淳, 小栗克弥, 舘野功太, 俵毅彦, 中野秀俊. p型Siにおけるコヒーレントフォノンダイナミクス. 応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集. 2009. 56th. 3
  • SHINYA Akihiko, MATSUO Shinji, Yosia, TANABE Takasumi, KURAMOCHI Eiichi, SATO Tomonari, KAKITSUKA Takaaki, TATENO Kouta, TAWARA Takehiko, NOTOMI Masaya. All-optical memory based on compound-semiconductor photonic crystal nanocavity. 2008. 108. 113. 17-20
Patents (82):
Education (2):
  • 1991 - 1993 東京大学理学系研究科科学専攻修士課程
  • 1987 - 1991 The University of Tokyo
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(理学) (東京大学大学院理学系研究科)
Work history (4):
  • 2014/10 - 現在 NTTナノフォトニクスセンター(兼務)
  • 2003/08 - 現在 NTT物性科学基礎研究所
  • 1999/02 - 2003/07 NTTフォトニクス研究所
  • 1993/04 - 1999/01 NTT光エレクトロニクス研究所
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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