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J-GLOBAL ID:201801017045218030   Update date: Aug. 18, 2024

Totani Haruhito

トタニ ハルヒト | Totani Haruhito
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (2): Hematology and oncology ,  Tumor biology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2019 - 2021 成人T細胞白血病リンパ腫の治療抵抗性病変形成に関わるエピゲノム機構の解明と克服
Papers (22):
  • Takuto Tachita, Masaki Ri, Sho Aoki, Arisa Asano, Takashi Kanamori, Haruhito Totani, Shiori Kinoshita, Yu Asao, Tomoko Narita, Ayako Masaki, et al. Comprehensive analysis of serum cytokines in patients with multiple myeloma before and after lenalidomide and dexamethasone. Cancer Medicine. 2024
  • Takafumi Nakayama, Yoshiko Oshima, Shigeru Kusumoto, Junki Yamamoto, Satoshi Osaga, Haruna Fujinami, Takaki Kikuchi, Tomotaka Suzuki, Haruhito Totani, Shiori Kinoshita, et al. Clinical features of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity in patients with malignant lymphoma who received a CHOP regimen with or without rituximab: A single-center, retrospective observational study. EJHaem. 2020. 1. 2. 498-506
  • Haruhito Totani, Keiko Shinjo, Miho Suzuki, Keisuke Katsushima, Shoko Mase, Ayako Masaki, Asahi Ito, Masaki Ri, Shigeru Kusumoto, Hirokazu Komatsu, et al. Autocrine HGF/c-Met signaling pathway confers aggressiveness in lymph node adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma. Oncogene. 2020. 39. 35. 5782-5794
  • Takaki Kikuchi, Shigeru Kusumoto, Yasuhito Tanaka, Yoshiko Oshima, Haruna Fujinami, Tomotaka Suzuki, Haruhito Totani, Shiori Kinoshita, Yu Asao, Tomoko Narita, et al. Hepatitis B virus reactivation in a myeloma patient with resolved infection who received daratumumab-containing salvage chemotherapy. Journal of clinical and experimental hematopathology : JCEH. 2020. 60. 2. 51-54
  • Takuto Tachita, Shiori Kinoshita, Masaki Ri, Sho Aoki, Arisa Asano, Takashi Kanamori, Takashi Yoshida, Haruhito Totani, Asahi Ito, Shigeru Kusumoto, et al. Expression, mutation, and methylation of cereblon-pathway genes at pre- and post-lenalidomide treatment in multiple myeloma. Cancer science. 2020. 111. 4. 1333-1343
MISC (3):
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