J-GLOBAL ID:201801017388788486
Update date: Feb. 06, 2025 TERAMOTO Shota
テラモト ショウタ | TERAMOTO Shota
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Plant genetics and breeding
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2024 - 2027 穀物の高温障害の発生過程を非破壊で評価できる計測システムの開発
- 2022 - 2025 An ultra-rapid 3D imaging method for crop root systems in soil using image processing
Papers (24): -
Shota Teramoto, Yusaku Uga. Detection of quantitative trait loci for rice root systems grown in paddies based on nondestructive phenotyping using X-ray computed tomography. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 2024
Shota Teramoto, Yusaku Uga. Convolutional neural networks combined with conventional filtering to semantically segment plant roots in rapidly scanned X-ray computed tomography volumes with high noise levels. Plant Methods. 2024. 20. 73
Shota TERAMOTO. Improved efficiency of crop root system analysis. Root Research. 2024. 33. 1. 7-14
Shujun Wei, Ryokei Tanaka, Taiji Kawakatsu, Shota Teramoto, Nobuhiro Tanaka, Matthew Shenton, Yusaku Uga, Shiori Yabe. Genome- and Transcriptome-wide Association Studies to Discover Candidate Genes for Diverse Root Phenotypes in Cultivated Rice. Rice. 2023. 16. 1
Yu Takahashi, Hiroaki Sakai, Hirotaka Ariga, Shota Teramoto, Takashi L. Shimada, Heesoo Eun, Chiaki Muto, Ken Naito, Norihiko Tomooka. Domesticating Vigna stipulacea: Chromosome-Level genome assembly reveals VsPSAT1 as a candidate gene decreasing hard-seededness. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2023. 14
more... MISC (20): -
寺本 翔太, 宇賀 優作. 地中に隠れた作物根系のハイスループット・フェノタイピングを目指して-Towards high-throughput phenotyping of root system hidden underground-特集 スマート育種の展開 : 現状と将来展望. JATAFFジャーナル = JATAFF journal : 農林水産技術. 2022. 10. 12. 34-38
寺本翔太, 七夕高也, 宇賀優作. エックス線CTを用いたイネ根系計測のためのベクトル化ソフトウェアの開発. 根の研究. 2022. 31. 1
吉野花奈美, 沼尻侑子, 寺本翔太, 吉田沙樹, 西嶋遼, 宇賀優作, 川勝泰二. Comparative analysis of the transcriptomes under drought condition between rice varieties with distinct root system architecture. 育種学研究. 2021. 23
寺本翔太, 高安聡子, 丸山奈津子, 木富悠花, 西嶋遼, 川勝泰二, 宇賀優作. Phenome analysis on root traits of world-wide rice varieties in the upland field. 育種学研究. 2021. 23
川勝泰二, 寺本翔太, 西嶋遼, 高安聡子, 丸山奈津子, 木富悠花, 宇賀優作. The transcriptomic landscapes of rice cultivars with diverse root system architectures grown in upland field conditions. 育種学研究. 2021. 23
more... Lectures and oral presentations (22): -
To develop technologies to improve the efficiency and advancement of root system analysis of crops
Toward 4D measurement of root system growth using X-ray computed tomography
(Unveiling the secret of underground; technologies for visualizing root and rhizosphere 2022)
High-throughput visualization and quantification of rice root system architecture using X-ray computed tomography
(7th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium 2022)
(第55回根研究集会 2022)
(第54回根研究集会 2021)
more... Professional career (1): Work history (6): Awards (3): - 2022/09 - 根研究学会 学術奨励賞
- 2019/03 - Japanese Society of Breeding Best Presentation Award
- 2012/10 - Japanese Society of Breeding Best Presentation Award
Association Membership(s) (2):
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