2019 - 2021 Identification of singularity cells that masculinize a primary organizer in response to environmental stimuli
2018 - 2020 環境応答により雌雄を産み分けるミジンコの性スペクトラム
2017 - 2019 ミジンコの性決定を制御する長鎖ノンコーディングRNAの作動装置の解明
2015 - 2017 ミジンコの性決定を制御する長鎖ノンコーディングRNAの機能解析
2014 - 2016 Analysis of environmental control of a sex-determininng gene in crustacean Daphnia magna
2009 - 2011 遺伝子操作を用いた枝角目甲殻類(ミジンコ類)の環境性決定メカニズムの解明
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Papers (75):
Thanwarat Sangkuanun, Chittipong Tipbunjong, Yasuhiko Kato, Hajime Watanabe, Saranya Peerakietkhajorn. Dragon fruit-derived oligosaccharides alter hemocyte-mediated immunity and expression of genes related to innate immunity and oxidative stress in Daphnia magna. Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 2024. 161. 105251-105251
Rina Shimizu, Joe Sakamoto, Nikko Adhitama, Mana Fujikawa, Pijar Religia, Yasuhiro Kamei, Hajime Watanabe, Yasuhiko Kato. Spatiotemporal control of transgene expression using an infrared laser in the crustacean Daphnia magna. Scientific Reports. 2024. 14. 1
Joana L Santos, Fabienne Nick, Nikko Adhitama, Peter D Fields, Jonathon H Stillman, Yasuhiko Kato, Hajime Watanabe, Dieter Ebert. Trehalose mediates salinity-stress tolerance in natural populations of a freshwater crustacean. Current biology : CB. 2024
Yasuhiko Kato, Joel H. Nitta, Christelle Alexa Garcia Perez, Nikko Adhitama, Pijar Religia, Atsushi Toyoda, Wataru Iwasaki, Hajime Watanabe. Identification of gene isoforms and their switching events between male and female embryos of the parthenogenetic crustacean Daphnia magna. Scientific Reports. 2024. 14. 1
Ayaka Kitamura, Chen Jiayue, Tomoya Suwa, Yasuhiko Kato, Tadashi Wada, Hajime Watanabe. Neonatal administration of synthetic estrogen, diethylstilbestrol to mice up-regulates inflammatory Cxclchemokines located in the 5qE1 region in the vaginal epithelium. PLOS ONE. 2023. 18. 3. e0280421-e0280421
The Chemical Biology of Long Noncoding RNAs
Springer International Publishing 2020
Genome editing and engineering : from TALENs, ZFNs and CRISPRs to molecular surgery
Cambridge University Press 2018 ISBN:9781107170377
脱皮と変態の生物学 : 昆虫と甲殻類のホルモン作用の謎を追う = Biology of molting and metamorphosis : mechanism of hormonal regulation in insects and crustaceans
東海大学出版会 2011 ISBN:9784486019046
Lectures and oral presentations (148):
Mapping the functional element of the sex-determining RNA DAPALR in the crustacean Daphnia magna using DMS-MaPseq and mutational analysis
(第25回日本RNA学会年会 2024)
(第3回 Kansai RNA Club (KRC) 2024)
(The 171st Scienc-ome 2023)