- 2023/05 - レーザー学会 業績賞
- 2022/11 - IEEE Photonics Conference Best Student Paper Award “Coherent Doppler LiDAR using novel MEMS-based optical phased array scanner" no.TuB2.5に対して
- 2019/11 - Micro Optics Conference (MOC2019) MOC contribution award for the significant contributions to the successful holding of Microoptics conferences
- 2017/11 - The Optical Society OSA Fellow for pioneering contributions to fiber lasers, including carbon nanotube and graphene photonics based ultrafast pulse generation and signal processing, and fast wavelength-swept dispersion-tuned lasers for optical coherent tomography
- 2012/11 - Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP2012) Best Student Paper Award For a paper “Generation of dissipative solitons and noise-like pulse from figure of eight fiber laser,” no. ATh2A.2
- 2012/04 - The Laser Society of Japan 2012 Best Paper Award レーザ研究論文(山下真司, "カーボンナノチューブを用いた超短パルスファイバレーザー," レーザ研究, vol.38, no.11, pp.882-888, Nov. 2010.)に対して
- 2010/10 - Microoptics Conference (MOC’10) Best Paper Award for a paper “Optical deposition of graphene in a fiber ferrule for mode-locked lasing”
- 2010/04 - The Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) Editorial Contribution Award for JJAP
- 1994/02 - Niwa Memorial Foundation Niwa Memorial Prize 論文 山下真司, 大越孝敬, “光増幅器の分布定数的雑音理論とその光ファイバ増幅器への適用," 電子情報通信学会 論文誌BI, vol.J75-B-I, no.5, pp.263-272, May 1992., 他3編に対して
- 1992/05 - The Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers of Japan (IEICE) 1991 Best Paper Award 山下真司, 大越孝敬, "2段階位相ダイバーシチ(DSPD)光通信方式 -光回路の不平衡の影響とその補償-," 電子情報通信学会 論文誌BI, vol.J73-B-I, no.12, pp.913-921, Dec. 1990. に対して