Research field (1):
Magnetism, superconductivity, and strongly correlated systems
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
2021 - 2024 Strongly correlated electron physics emerging from doublon degrees of freedom in fullerides
2019 - 2023 重い電子系化合物に対する第一原理計算手法の開発と応用
2018 - 2021 Unconventional electronic ordering induced by local correlation effects in multiorbital systems
2018 - 2021 Odd-frequency pairing in condensed matter systems
2018 - 2020 Kondo effect and superconductivity in correlated systems with electron and hole Fermi surfaces
2016 - 2019 Development of the first-principles approach in heavy-fermion compounds
2011 - 2012 非クラマース配置を持つ電子系の新しい秩序状態と近藤効果の理論
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Papers (65):
Ryuta Iwazaki, Hiroshi Shinaoka, Shintaro Hoshino. Material-based analysis of spin-orbital Mott insulators. Physical Review B. 2023
Shintaro Hoshino, Michi To Suzuki, Hiroaki Ikeda. Spin-Derived Electric Polarization and Chirality Density Inherent in Localized Electron Orbitals. Physical Review Letters. 2023. 130. 25
Yutaro Misu, Shun Tamura, Yukio Tanaka, Shintaro Hoshino. eta-pairing on square and triangular lattices. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2023. 107. 18
Markus Wallerberger, Samuel Badr, Shintaro Hoshino, Sebastian Huber, Fumiya Kakizawa, Takashi Koretsune, Yuki Nagai, Kosuke Nogaki, Takuya Nomoto, Hitoshi Mori, et al. sparse-ir: Optimal compression and sparse sampling of many-body propagators. SoftwareX. 2023. 21. 101266-101266
Yuki M. Itahashi, Toshiya Ideue, Shintaro Hoshino, Chihiro Goto, Hiromasa Namiki, Takao Sasagawa, Yoshihiro Iwasa. Giant second harmonic transport under time-reversal symmetry in a trigonal superconductor. Nature Communications. 2022. 13. 1
Misako Shinozaki, Shintaro Hoshino, Yusuke Masaki, A. N. Bogdanov, A. O. Leonov, Jun-ichiro Kishine, Yusuke Kato. Fan-type spin structure in uni-axial chiral magnets. 2017
Hoshino Shintaro, Kato Yusuke. 10aBB-1 Microscopic Analysis of Quantum Vortex States in Superconductors Using Generalized Eilenberger Equation. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2014. 69. 2. 581-581