Research keywords (8):
, Large Scale Simulation
, Gas Liquid Two Phase Flow
, Lattice Boltzmann Method
, Multi Phase Flow
, High Performance Computing
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11):
2023 - 2026 深層学習による都市汚染物質拡散のアンサンブル即時予報の実現
2023 - 2026 大規模アンサンブル計算における統計量のリアルタイムIn-Situ可視化
2022 - 2026 Real-time wind digital twin with 1-meter resolution using GPU supercomputer
2021 - 2024 GPUスーパーコンピュータを用いた沸騰多相流挙動解析
2020 - 2023 大規模分散GPGPUシミュレーションの対話的In-Situ可視化
2019 - 2023 Super-resolution evaluation system of air pollution at pedestrian level
2019 - 2022 Multiphase fluid behavior simulation in a nuclear reactor using a GPU supercomputer
2017 - 2020 R&D of Next Generation Support System for Ship Operation/Handling
2017 - 2020 Numerical simulation of atmospheric boundary layer and turbulence in urban district
2015 - 2017 Large-scale gas-liquid-solid multi-phase simulation on the TSUBAME supercomputer
2013 - 2015 Peta-scale large-eddy simulation using lattice Boltzmann method on the TSUBAME supercomputer
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Papers (38):
Tsutomu Watanabe, Shuhei Ishikawa, Masayuki Kawashima, Kou Shimoyama, Naoyuki Onodera, Yuta Hasegawa, Atsushi Inagaki. Structure of drifting snow simulated by Lagrangian particle dispersion model coupled with large-eddy simulation using the lattice Boltzmann method. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2024. 250
Yuta Hasegawa, Naoyuki Onodera, Yuuichi Asahi, Takuya Ina, Toshiyuki Imamura, Yasuhiro Idomura. Continuous data assimilation of large eddy simulation by lattice Boltzmann method and local ensemble transform Kalman filter (LBM-LETKF). Fluid Dynamics Research. 2023
Yuuichi Asahi, Naoyuki Onodera, Yuta Hasegawa, Takashi Shimokawabe, Hayato Shiba, Yasuhiro Idomura. CityTransformer: A Transformer-Based Model for Contaminant Dispersion Prediction in a Realistic Urban Area. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2023. 186. 3. 659-692
Yuta Hasegawa, Toshiyuki Imamura, Takuya Ina, Naoyuki Onodera, Yuuichi Asahi, Yasuhiro Idomura. GPU Optimization of Lattice Boltzmann Method with Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter. 2022 IEEE/ACM Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Heterogeneous Systems (ScalAH). 2022
Hiromasa Nakayama, Naoyuki Onodera, Daiki Satoh, Haruyasu Nagai, Yuta Hasegawa, Yasuhiro Idomura. Development of local-scale high-resolution atmospheric dispersion and dose assessment system. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. 2022. 59. 10. 1314-1329
朝比 祐一, 小野寺 直幸, 長谷川 雄太, 下川辺 隆史, 芝 隼人, 井戸村 泰宏. 適合細分化格子ボルツマン法に基づく都市風況解析コードのNVIDIA及びAMDのGPUにおける性能移植性評価-Performance measurement of an urban wind simulation code with the Locally Mesh-Refined Lattice Boltzmann Method over NVIDIA and AMD GPUs. 計算工学講演会論文集 = Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science / 日本計算工学会 編. 2022. 27. 788-792
小野寺 直幸, 井戸村 泰宏, 長谷川 雄太, 下川辺 隆史, 青木 尊之. 適合細分化格子ボルツマン法による大気境界層生成のためのパラメータ最適化-Parameter optimization for generating atmospheric boundary layers by using the locally mesh-refined lattice Boltzmann method. 計算工学講演会論文集 = Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science / 日本計算工学会 編. 2022. 27. 784-787
朝比 祐一, 畑山 そら, 下川辺 隆史, 小野寺 直幸, 長谷川 雄太, 井戸村 泰宏. 機械学習による細分化格子に基づく二次元定常流予測-Multi-Resolution Steady Flow Prediction with Convolutional Neural Networks. 計算工学講演会論文集 = Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science / 日本計算工学会 編. 2021. 26. 297-300
小野寺 直幸, 井戸村 泰宏, 長谷川 雄太, 下川辺 隆史, 青木 尊之. ブロック型適合細分化格子でのPoisson解法の混合精度演算による高速化-Acceleration of locally mesh allocated Poisson solver using mixed precision. 計算工学講演会論文集 = Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science / 日本計算工学会 編. 2021. 26. 749-751
小野寺直幸, 井戸村泰宏, 長谷川雄太, 山下晋, 下川辺隆史, 青木尊之. Development of detailed two-phase flow solver on block-structured grids. 日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM). 2021. 2021
Porting a state-of-the-art communication avoiding Krylov subspace solver on P100 GPUs
(GTC Japan 2018 2018)
Development of exascale matrix solvers based on communication avoiding algorithms
(4th US-Japan Joint Institute for Fusion Theory (JIFT) Workshop on Innovations and Co-Designs of Fusion Simulations towards Extreme Scale Computing 2018)
Large-scale wind simulation using lattice boltzmann method on GPU-Rich supercomputer
(26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-26) 2018)
Real time plume dispersion simulation of lattice Boltzmann method
(JHPCN: 学際大規模情報基盤共同利用・共同研究拠点第10回シンポジウム 2018)
Numerical study on applicability of the shared memory type computing with the Xeon Phi processor for flows around a ship including physical models
(第23回計算工学講演会 2018)