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J-GLOBAL ID:201801019070314275   Update date: Sep. 24, 2024

Hosokai Sou

Hosokai Sou
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Chemical reaction and process system engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2008 - 2010 Biomass Ironmaking Using Unused Tar
Papers (42):
MISC (15):
  • KAWABATA Yasumasa, WAJIMA Takaaki, MORITA Naoyuki, SAITO Akiko, NAKAGOME Hideki, HOSOKAI Sou, KURAMOTO Koji, SUZUKI Yoshizo, SATO Hiroaki, MATSUOKA Koichi. Tar Emission during Pyrolysis of Low Lank Coal Under Enhancement of Volatile-char Interaction. Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science. 2015. 52. 20-21
  • 小池夏萌, 細貝聡, 高垣敦, 西村俊, 菊地隆司, 海老谷幸喜, 鈴木善三, OYAMA S. Ted. リン化ニッケル触媒を用いた熱分解バイオオイルの脱酸素化改質. 触媒討論会講演予稿集. 2015. 115th. 80
  • 小池夏萌, 高垣敦, 菊地隆司, OYAMA S. Ted, 細貝聡, 鈴木善三, 西村俊, 海老谷幸喜. リン化ニッケル触媒を用いた熱分解バイオオイルの合成. 日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集. 2014. 23rd. 78-79
  • 小池夏萌, 高垣敦, 菊地隆司, OYAMA S. Ted, 細貝聡, 鈴木善三, 西村俊, 海老谷幸喜. リン化ニッケル触媒を用いた熱分解バイオオイルの水素化脱酸素. 化学工学会秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集(CD-ROM). 2014. 46th. ROMBUNNO.S224
  • Matsuoka Koichi, Hosokai Sou, Kato Yoshishige, Kuramoto Koji, Suzuki Yoshizo, Norinaga Koyo, Hayashi Jun-ichiro. Promoting gas production by controlling the interaction of volatiles with char during coal gasification in a circulating fluidized bed gasification reactor. FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY. 2013. 116. 308-316
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