J-GLOBAL ID:201801019481902771
Update date: Sep. 05, 2024 Yamashita Manami
Yamashita Manami
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Junior Associate Professor
Research field (2):
, Neuroscience - general
Research keywords (6):
, 消化管蠕動運動
, アセチルコリン受容体
, シナプス
, 重症筋無力症
, 神経生理
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 2023 - 腸管におけるHCN4チャネルの機能解析および逆蠕動運動のメカニズム解明
- 2021 - 2023 遅筋速筋型アセチルコリン受容体の生理的機能の解析
- 2019 - 2021 人工受容体による重症筋無力症新規治療法に向けた基礎研究
- 2019 - 2021 Basic research for the development of a new treatment for myasthenia gravis using designed artificial receptors and iPS cells
Papers (6): -
Manami Yamashita, Yoshihiro Egashira, Shuntaro Nakamura, Souhei Sakata, Fumihito Ono. Receptor subunit compositions underly distinct potencies of a muscle relaxant in fast and slow muscle fibers. Frontiers in Physiology. 2022. 13
Manami Yamashita, Tetsuya Hori. A Novel Method to Monitor GABA Loading into Synaptic Vesicles by Combining Patch Pipette Perfusion and Intracellular, Caged-GABA Photolysis in Brain Slice Preparations. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2022. 2417. 113-120
- Manami Yamashita, Shin-ya Kawaguchi, Tetsuya Hori, Tomoyuki Takahashi. Vesicular GABA Uptake Can Be Rate Limiting for Recovery of IPSCs from Synaptic Depression. Cell Reports. 2018. 22. 12. 3134-3141
- Manami Yamashita, Shin-ya Kawaguchi, Tomoo Hirano. Contribution of Postsynaptic GluD2 to Presynaptic R-type Ca2+ Channel Function, Glutamate Release and Long-term Potentiation at Parallel Fiber to Purkinje Cell Synapses. CEREBELLUM. 2013. 12. 5. 657-666
- Kyounghee Ryu, Marie Yokoyama, Manami Yamashita, Tomoo Hirano. Induction of excitatory and inhibitory presynaptic differentiation by GluD1. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS. 2012. 417. 1. 157-161
more... MISC (2): -
山下 愛美. 【カルシウムと神経系-善人か悪人か?】神経系でのカルシウム カルシウムと神経伝達. Clinical Neuroscience. 2023. 41. 7. 920-923
山下 愛美, 平野 丈夫. 【Neuroplasticity-脳は実は柔らかい】大脳・小脳での可塑性の意義 小脳での可塑性. Clinical Neuroscience. 2011. 29. 7. 791-793
Professional career (1): Work history (4): - 2023/01 - 現在 Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University
- 2021/04 - 2022/12 Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University
- 2017/01 - 2021/03 Osaka Medical College
- 2013/06 - 2017/12 Doshisha University
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