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J-GLOBAL ID:201801020428043706   Update date: Sep. 17, 2022

Chul Kim Yong

キン ヨンチョル | Chul Kim Yong
Affiliation and department:
Papers (26):
MISC (22):
  • Kim Yong Chul, Tamura Yukio. Response Characteristics of Solar Wing System with Various Panel Shapes. Summaries to Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, Japan Association for Wind Engineering. 2017. 2017. 0. 167-168
  • MAEDA Junji, OKADA Rei, KIM Yong Chul, KOBAYASHI Fumiaki, SATO Eiichi, TSUTSUMI Takuya, NODA Minoru, MATSUI Masahiro, YOSHIDA Akihito. Immediate Report on Wind-induced Disasters Caused by Typhoon "DUJUAN"and Explosively Developed Low Pressure. Wind Engineers, JAWE. 2016. 41. 1. 40-48
  • Yong Chul Kim, Sung Won Yoon. Coherence of fluctuating wind speed and Along-Wind force power spectrum of tall building. Advanced Materials Research. 2014. 1025-1026. 922-925
  • Yong Chul Kim, Sung Won Yoon. Time history analysis of steel tall buildings. Advanced Materials Research. 2014. 1025-1026. 918-921
  • Yong Chul Kim, Sung Won Yoon. Aeroelastic vibration of super-tall buildings. Advanced Materials Research. 2014. 1025-1026. 914-917
Professional career (1):
  • Ph.D. (東京大学)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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