Masato TAUE, Yukio NAKATA, Shintaro KAJIYAMA. DEM を用いた二種混合体の中間骨格構造における粒子配置と接点力の評価. Japanese Journal of JSCE. 2024. 80. 15. n/a-n/a
Masato Taue, Yukio Nakata, Shintaro Kajiyama. Effect of large particle content on strength and failure mode of binary granular mixture in shear under plane strain condition. Proceedings of 8TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DEFORMATION CHARACTERISTICS OF GEOMATERIALS (IS-Porto). 2023. ISDCG2023-110
Shintaro Kajiyama, Yukio Nakata, Hitoshi Nakase. Fundamental study on the effect of grain size distribution on angle of repose. Proceedings of 8TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DEFORMATION CHARACTERISTICS OF GEOMATERIALS (IS-Porto). 2023. ISDCG2023-25
Norimasa Yoshimoto, Qi Wu, Kazuki Fujita, Shintaro Kajiyama, Yukio Nakata, Masayuki Hyodo. Hydrate dissociation and mechanical properties of hydrate-bearing sediments under local thermal stimulation conditions. Gas Science and Engineering. 2023. 116. 205045-205045
中田幸男, 吉本憲正, 米田純, 梶山慎太郎, 中島晃司. Recent laboratory and model tests for production of methane hydrate. 地盤工学会誌(Web). 2020. 68. 5. 19-22
梶山慎太郎, 中田幸男. Examination of slope angle independent of specimen size based on repose angle experiment simulation. 地盤工学研究発表会発表講演集(Web). 2020. 55. DS-4-02
2022/04 - 現在 University of Yamanashi Graduate Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research Research associate
2017/04 - 2022/03 Yamaguchi University Graduate school of siences and technology for innovation Research associate
Committee career (3):
- 現在 公益社団法人 地盤工学会, TC105 Geo-Mechanics 国内委員会 委員
2024/03 - 2025/03 山梨県事前通行規制検討委員会 オブザーバー
2022/05 - 2024/04 地盤工学会関東支部山梨県グループ 幹事
Awards (1):
2016/06 - The 16th ARC Conference 国際会議若手優秀論文賞 Mechanical characteristics and localized deformation of Methane Hydrate-bearing sand using high pressure plane strain shear tests