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J-GLOBAL ID:201801020868909497   Update date: Jan. 30, 2024

Suzuki Tatsuo

スズキ タツオ | Suzuki Tatsuo
Research field  (1): Geometry
Research keywords  (3): 情報幾何学 ,  数理物理学 ,  微分幾何学
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2015 - 2018 Entanglement among quantum physics, information physics, and geometry - study of quantum/classical correspondence -
  • 2001 - 2003 Geometry of Field Theory and Spinor Analysis
  • 2000 - 2001 Faddeev-Hopf結び目の研究
Papers (28):
MISC (2):
  • FUJII Kazuyuki, OIKE Hiroshi, SUZUKI Tatsuo. Universal Yang-Mills Action on Four Dimensional Manifolds(Dynamical Systems and Differential Geometry). RIMS Kokyuroku. 2006. 1500. 57-68
  • Fujii Kazuyuki, Homma Yasushi, Suzuki Tatsuo. A method for constructing models which have an infinite number of conserved currents (Dynamical Systems and Differential Geometry). RIMS Kokyuroku. 1999. 1119. 138-145
Books (2):
  • 講義 : 線形代数
    学術図書出版社 2016 ISBN:9784780604771
  • 数理の玉手箱
    遊星社,星雲社 (発売) 2010 ISBN:9784434150234
Lectures and oral presentations  (27):
  • あるワープ積計量のHesse構造について
    (Poisson幾何とその周辺 21 2021)
  • ヘッセ幾何とその応用
    (統計多様体の幾何学とその周辺 (11) 2019)
  • BTZ black hole spacetime and Hessian structure
    (Information Geometry and Affine Differential Geometry III 2019)
  • 重力理論とHesse構造
    (量子化の幾何学 One-day meeting 2019)
  • Quarternion Gaussian Integral and Its Application to a Geometry of Quarternion Gaussian Distributions
    (International Conference on Mathematics: Pure, Applied and Computation 2018 2018)
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