J-GLOBAL ID:201801021109233566
Update date: Dec. 06, 2024 Shironita Sayoko
シロニタ サヨコ | Shironita Sayoko
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): - メタノール透過に伴う空気極での性能低下しない脱白金電極触媒の開発
Papers (83): -
Shuo LI, Sayoko SHIRONITA, Eiji HOSONO, Daisuke ASAKURA, Yoshitsugu SONE, Minoru UMEDA. A dynamic analysis of reversible/irreversible capacity fading of Li-ion cells owing to low-temperature operation by differential capacity profile. 2024
Yating Du, Sayoko Shironita, Daisuke Asakura, Eiji Hosono, Yoshitsugu Sone, Yugo Miseki, Eiichi Kobayashi, Minoru Umeda. Post-mortem analysis of the Li-ion battery with charge/discharge deterioration in high- and low-temperature environments. Electrochimica Acta. 2023. 473. 2024. 143421/1-143421/12
Junichi Matsuda, Atsushi Okamoto, Haruo Akahoshi, Sayoko Shironita, Minoru Umeda. Chronopotentiometric Analysis of the Anode Dissolution Process in Dimethyl Sulfone-Aluminum Chloride Electrolytic Solution. Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 2023. 170. 4. 042503/1-042503/9
Yating Du, Sayoko Shironita, Eiji Hosono, Daisuke Asakura, Yoshitsugu Sone, Minoru Umeda. Differences in the deterioration behaviors of fast-charged lithium-ion batteries at high and low temperatures. Journal of Power Sources. 2022. 556. 2023. 232513/1-232513/10
Junichi Matsuda, Atsushi Okamoto, Haruo Akahoshi, Sayoko Shironita, Minoru Umeda. Evaluation of Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Electrolytes with Ammonium Salt Using an Ultramicro Disk Electrode. Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 2022. 169. 2022. 112516/1-112516/12
more... MISC (31): -
藤田耕輔, DU Yating, 白仁田沙代子, 曽根理嗣, 細野英司, 朝倉大輔, 松田弘文, 梅田実. Differential capacity analysis of Ni-based lithium ion cell stored at high temperature. 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM). 2020. 87th
LI Shuo, 白仁田沙代子, 曽根理嗣, 細野英司, 朝倉大輔, 松田弘文, 梅田実. 1°C劣化させたNi系リチウムイオン二次電池の走査型断熱式熱量計試験. 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM). 2019. 86th
藤田耕輔, DU Yating, LI Shuo, 白仁田沙代子, 曽根理嗣, 細野英司, 朝倉大輔, 松田弘文, 梅田実. Differential Capacity Analysis of Ni-based Li-ion Cells at High and Low Temperature Environments. 電池討論会PDF要旨集(CD-ROM). 2019. 60th
DU Yating, 藤田耕輔, 白仁田沙代子, 曽根理嗣, 細野英司, 朝倉大輔, 松田弘文, 梅田実. 80°C保管したNi系18650型リチウムイオン二次電池のdQ/dV-V曲線解析. 電気化学秋季大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM). 2019. 2019
粉川航太郎, 白仁田沙代子, 谷口修一, 曽根理嗣, 梅田実. 18650型リチウムイオン二次電池の80°Cで保管または充放電サイクルした後の熱的安定性評価. 電気化学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM). 2018. 85th
more... Patents (3): -
Books (2): - 二酸化炭素を用いた化学品製造技術
S&T出版 2016
- レアメタルの代替材料技術とリサイクル
(株)シーエムシー出版 2008
Lectures and oral presentations (11): -
Oxidation and reduction selectivity at Pt-Ru-C sputtered electrodes in the presence of methanol and oxygen
(15th Topical Meeting of ISE 2014)
H2O2 and Fe2+-induced Pt electrode dissolution in H2SO4 solution
(15th Topical Meeting of ISE 2014)
Hydrogen electrooxidation at small amount Pt loading on TiO2-SiO2 thin film
(64nd Annual Meeting of International Society of Electrochemistry 2013)
Reaction selectivity of sputtered electrodes in the presence of methanol and oxygen
(The 2nd International GIGAKU Conference in Nagaoka (IGCN2013) 2013)
(第20回燃料電池シンポジウム 2013)
more... Professional career (1): Awards (3): - 2019/03 - 電気化学会 女性躍進賞
- 2016/09/21 - 日本金属学会 日本金属学会奨励賞
- 2016/04/20 - 文部科学省 平成28年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 科学技術賞(理解増進部門)
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