Research field (1):
Home economics, lifestyle science
Research keywords (5):
, 硬化
, 豆
, 調理科学
, 食品科学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2023 - 2026 The effect of roasting on the variation of functional components in various beans to expand the use of stored beans
2022 - 2023 Studies on crepes of cookery science in Japan
2019 - 2022 Examination of effective utilization of stored beans as a new cooking / processing method and new foodstuff with functional characteristics
Takako Koriyama, Kiriko Teranaka, Michiyo Kumagai. Impact of Roasting on Functional Properties of Hard-to-Cook Beans Under Adverse Storage Conditions. Foods. 2025. 14. 3. 470-470
Takako Koriyama, Kumiko Iijima, Takahiro Hosoya. Optimizing Chickpea Cooking Water (Aquafaba): Enhancing Superior Foaming and Emulsifying Properties through Varied Reheating Protocols. 2024
Michiyo Kumagai, Yuka Hosoda, Takako Koriyama, Midori Kasai. Effect of preheating temperature on vegetable hardening and extent of cell membrane damage based on the measurements of potassium ions eluted and electrical properties. Food Science and Technology Research. 2024. 30. 4. 521-529
Takako Koriyama, Mika Saikawa, Yuria Kurosu, Michiyo Kumagai, Takahiro Hosoya. Effects of Roasting on the Quality of Moringa oleifera Leaf Powder and Loaf Volume of Moringa oleifera-Supplemented Bread. Foods. 2023. 12. 20. 3760-3760
, NPO法人 うま味インフォメーションセンター 会員
, 日本栄養士会
, 日本食品科学工学会
, Institute of Food Technologists
, The Japan Society of Cookery Science