J-GLOBAL ID:201801021445169213
Update date: Feb. 01, 2025 Hayakawa Chizuko
ハヤカワ チヅコ | Hayakawa Chizuko
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Social law
Research keywords (2):
Migrant Workers
, Law and Policy on Foreign Workers
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): Papers (139): -
Chizuko Hayakawa. Immigration Law Reform and Amendment of Technical Internship Training Act of 2024: Remained Issues on the Reform of the Specified Skilled Workers System. RODO HORITSU JUNPO (Labor law newsletter) No. 2067. 2024. 2067. 6-13
Chizuko Hayakawa. Establishment of Employment for Skill Development Program and Issues under Labor & Employment Law. Yuhikaku Online Law Journal. 2024. YOLJ-L2410002
Chizuko Hayakawa. In Response to the Final Report of the Expert Meeting: From the Perspective of Foreign Labor Policy. RODO HORITSU JUNPO. 2024. 2053
Chizuko Hayakawa. Policy Methods for Skill Development: People Flock to Companies that Develop People. The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies; NIHON RODO KENKYU ZASSHI. 2024. 66. 763. 40-48
Chizuko Hayakawa. CONTEMPORARY FORMS OF SLAVERY, INCLUDING CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES: NATIONAL REPORT OF JAPAN. ICCLP Publications No.16 Japanese Reports for the XXIst International Congress of Comparative Law (Asunción, 23-28 October 2022)/Japanese Reports for the Fourth Thematic Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law (Pretoria, 6-8 October 2021). 2023. ICCLP Publications No.16. 116-126
more... MISC (11): -
Chizuko Hayakawa. Summary: " Labor Policy of Foreign Workers in Japan". Japanese Yearbook of Prvate International Law. 2024. 26. 258-259
Chizuko Hayakawa. Saga Forum: Saga is a great place.The more you dig into it, the more interesting its history is. Saga Shimbun. 2023. 4-4
Chizuko Hayakawa. Saga Forum: Labor Dispute Resolution System, Rebuilding Relationships of Mutual Recognition. Saga Shimbun. 2023. 4-4
Chizuko Hayakawa. Saga Forum: Women's Empowerment in Saga There is a Groundwork that is ahead of the Rest of the Country. The Saga Shinbum. 2023. August 27, 2023. 48082. 4-4
Chizuko Hayakawa. Book Rreview 26: "Shinpei Eto and the Meiji Restoration" (authored by Tsuruko Suzuki). The Rodo Shimbun. 2023. July 17. 3409. 7-7
more... Books (8): - [Yuhikaku Commentary] Commentary Labor Standards Act/Labor Contract Act Vol. 1: Overview/Labor Standards Act (1)
Yuhikaku 2023
- Foreign workers and the law : immigration law policy and labor law policy Gaikoku-jin rōdōsha to hō
Shinzansha 2020 ISBN:9784797227833
- Chapter 10 Responce to Globalization
- Japan Labor Law Association ed. <<Treatise Series, Renaissance of Labor Law Vol. 6>>
Nihon Hyoron Sha 2017
- APPROACHES to the POLICY on MULTICULTURAL SYMBIOSIS [Akashishoten (22 Feb. 2011)]
2011 ISBN:9784750333366
more... Lectures and oral presentations (65): -
Recent Development of Labour Legislation and Reform of Immigration Law in Japan
(International Seminar: The Impact of Migrants' Integration and Human Capital Development in Japan on Economic Development of Asia, State University of Malang, Indonesia 2024)
Recent Development of Labour Legislation in Japan: Challenges of Aging Population and Capacity Building
(Capital University of Economics and Business, School of Labor Economics, The International Forum on Labor and Livelihood (2024) 2024)
Workshop: Securing and Skill Development of Foreign Workers: Eliminating Technical Intern Training Program and Reviewing Specified Skilled Worker System
(141st General Conference of Japan Labor Law Association 2024)
(国際学会・英語報告)”Shifting of Dimension on Foreign Workers’ Policy in Japan: Securing and Developing Human Resources”
(ISLSSL: International Society for Labor and Security Law, XXIV World Congress, Rome TOPIC 5. Social protection systems: lessons learnt and new ideas. SUBTOPIC 3. Protection of migrant workers (Venue: Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone, Rome, Italy) 2024)
Elderly Employment
(Saga University Public lecture”MINNA NO DAIGAKU” 2024)
more... Works (2): -
Disscussant's Comment to Country report 6 (Myanmar)
Chizuko Hayakawa 2018 - 2018
Comment from the view from Social Law
Chizuko Hayakawa 2016 - 2016
Professional career (1): Awards (2): - 2024/02 - Saga University 3rd term (2023 to 2025) Established Fellow of Saga University Research achievements
- 2021/03 - Labor Research Center (JRC) 35th Okinaga Award (FY2020) Chizuko Hayakawa,Gaikoku-Jin Rodosha to Ho [Foreign Workers and the Law: Immigration Law Policy and Labor Law Policy]
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