J-GLOBAL ID:201901000584863418
Update date: Apr. 11, 2024 Sakae Shibutani
シブタニ サカエ | Sakae Shibutani
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Forest science
Research keywords (1):
植物成分 精油 木酢液
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2021 - 2024 Process for adsorbing and removing harmful paramagnetic metal ions using iron-loaded charcoal based on reverse Moses effect
- 2020 - 2023 バイオ炭の二酸化炭素貯留量算出に用いる国内基準データの作製
- 2005 - 2006 Development of xenobiotic analysis system for safe reuse of wood-based materials
Papers (12): -
Takayuki Yamagishi, Sakae Shibutani, Hikaru Suzuki, Shigeru Yamauchi. Cesium adsorption ability of charcoal made from Japanese cedar and Japanese oak wood: effect of Fe3+-addition to starting materials. Wood Science and Technology. 2024
Takayuki Yamagishi, Yoichi Sakai, Tsutomu Takayama, Sakae Shibutani, Shigeru Yamauchi. Characterization of iron-loaded charcoal using infrared-photoacoustic spectroscopy: factors governing graphitization. Wood Science and Technology. 2023
高澤良輔, 山内秀文, 澁谷栄, 林知行. MDF製造時の木材チップ蒸煮工程における木材チップの含水率及び化学成分の変化. 木材学会誌. 2018. 64. 5. 205-212
佐藤博文, 澁谷栄, 高田克彦. 希少な天然秋田スギ“アオヤジロ”における葉部色素含量の季節変化. 東北森林科学会誌. 2018. 28. 1. 11-18
澁谷栄, 山内繁, 桐越和子, 谷田貝光克. 木酢液類の消臭機能へ及ぼす中和の効果. 日本木材学会誌. 2018. 64. 1. 17-27
more... MISC (1): -
YAMAUCHI Shigeru, SHIBUTANI Sakae, DOI Shuichi. Characteristic Raman bands for Artocarpus heterophyllus heartwood. Journal of Wood Science. 2003. 49. 5. 466-468
Education (1): - 1997 - 2001 The University of Tokyo
Professional career (1): Work history (2): - 2007/04 - 現在 Akita Prefectural University Institute of Wood Technology
- 2001/04 - 2007/03 Akita Prefectural University Institute of Wood Technology
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