近藤 真美, 都築 晶子, 濱田 正美, 渡邊 久, 橘堂 晃一, 赤羽 奈津子, 宮本 亮一, 川見 健人. A Survey of the Manuscripts and the Books on Islam in Omiya Library, Ryukoku University : a Draft Catalogue. 龍谷大学佛教文化研究所紀要 = Bulletin of Research Institute for Buddhist Culture, Ryukoku University. 2018. 56. 1-25
Historical study on the Bactrian documents: an example
(Politics and Archaeological Missions in Afghanistan: Japanese and International Research on Afghanistan and Iranian Plateau 2024)
Notes on the Bactrian contracts mentioning God Wakhsh and God Ramset
(10th European Conference of Iranian Studies 2023)