Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2021 - 2026 ボルネオ島熱帯雨林に生息する花果食性昆虫が示す資源利用の時空間的変動性
2019 - 2024 Study on sustainable management to balance primary forest conservation and subsistence economy of indigenous communities in Borneo
2016 - 2018 日本学術振興会 特別研究員奨励費(DC2)
Papers (7):
Natsuki Komada, Shuichiro Tagane, Usun Shimizu-kaya, Asano Iku, Nur Safinas Binti Jelani, Chea Yiing Ling, Takafumi Mizuno, Melvin Terry Gumal, Runi Anak Sylvester Pungga, Takao Itioka. A checklist of showy mistletoe (Santalales, Loranthaceae) of Lambir Hills National Park in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Tropics. 2024
Hasumi Kawagoe, Takao Itioka, Fujio Hyodo, Asano Iku, Usun Shimizu-kaya, Paulus Meleng. Evidence in stable isotope ratios for lichen-feeding by Lithosiini moths from a tropical rainforest but not from a temperate forest. Entomological Science. 2022. 25. 3