J-GLOBAL ID:201901004881930553
Update date: Mar. 23, 2025 Kaoru Midorikawa
ミドリカワ カオル | Kaoru Midorikawa
Affiliation and department: Other affiliations (1): Research field (1):
Hygiene and public health (laboratory)
Research theme for competitive and other funds (22): - 2022 - 2025 Mechanism of action of cancer chemopreventive agents and its application to neurodegenerative diseases: Focus on inflammation
- 2022 - 2025 Elucidation of risk factors for developing Alzheimer's disease and search for dietary preventive factors in Laos
- 2021 - 2024 How does fructose affect on carcinogenesis and its progression?
- 2019 - 2023 Mechanism of epigenetic aberration in inflammation-related carcinogenesis: molecular epidemiology by a comparison of risk factors between Japan and China
- 2019 - 2022 Roles of DAMP and autophagy in inflammation-related carcinogenesis and its application to cancer prevention
- 2019 - 2022 Continual water environment assessment related to water-borne disease control in large-scale typhoon hit areas in the Philippines
- 2016 - 2022 途上国におけるアルツハイマー病発症リスクの検証: 食と環境との関わり
- 2019 - 2021 Can a dietary factor taurine suppress carcinogenesis?
- 2016 - 2021 Role of of That Luang Marsh for Environmental Health of Laos Vientiane Metropolitan Area
- 2016 - 2019 Carcinogenic mechanisms of stem cells in inflammation-related cancer and its prevention
- 2016 - 2019 Establishment of early diagnostic markers for nasopharyngeal carcinoma and experimental verification through fieldwork in southern China
- 2015 - 2018 Development of new food poisoning bacteria detection method applying MY phenomenon
- 2015 - 2017 Reset of the epigenetic abnormality by dietary factors for cancer prevention
- 2013 - 2016 Epigenetic alteration in inflammation-related carcinogenesis and its application to cancer prevention and therapy
- 2013 - 2016 Development of screening methods for early detection of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in southern China
- 2011 - 2013 Evaluation and prevention of Alzheimer's disease associated with lifestyle and dietary habit factors in the developing country.
- 2011 - 2012 Roles of microRNA in inflammation-related carcinogenesis and its possibility for use as a biomarker
- 2010 - 2012 International cooperation research concerning water-borne diseases in relocated people and the development of related risk management techniques
- 2010 - 2012 Molecular epidemiology of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in southern Chinaand searching for early detection biomarkers
- 2010 - 2012 The mechanism elucidation and spread of new laboratory procedure of the food poisoning Salmonella using citrus extractions
- 2006 - 2008 柑橘類抽出成分によるサルモネラ簡易検出用デバイスの開発と実用化
- 2005 - 2008 Research of Incidence and Risk Factor of Alzheimer's Disease and Life-Style Related Disease
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Papers (49): -
Kaoru Midorikawa, Kokoro Kobayashi, Shinya Kato, Shosuke Kawanishi, Hatasu Kobayashi, Shinji Oikawa, Mariko Murata. Oxidative DNA damage: induction by fructose, in vitro, and its enhancement by hydrogen peroxide. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis. 2023. 503719-503719
Guofei Feng, Yasushi Arima, Kaoru Midorikawa, Hatasu Kobayashi, Shinji Oikawa, Weilin Zhao, Zhe Zhang, Kazuhiko Takeuchi, Mariko Murata. Knockdown of TFRC suppressed the progression of nasopharyngeal carcinoma by downregulating the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway. Cancer Cell International. 2023. 23. 1
馮 国飛, 馬 寧, 翠川 薫, 及川 伸二, 小林 果, 竹内 万彦, じゃお・うえいりん, じゃ・じょ, 村田 真理子. トランスフェリン受容体のノックダウンはPI3K-Akt経路を介して上咽頭癌の進展を阻害する(Knockdown of transferrin receptor inhibits the development of nasopharyngeal carcinoma via PI3K-Akt pathway). 日本衛生学雑誌. 2023. 78. Suppl. S210-S210
Feng He, Guofei Feng, Ning Ma, Kaoru Midorikawa, Shinji Oikawa, Hatasu Kobayashi, Zhe Zhang, Guangwu Huang, Kazuhiko Takeuchi, Mariko Murata. GDF10 inhibits cell proliferation and epithelial-mesenchymal transition in nasopharyngeal carcinoma by the transforming growth factor-β/Smad and NF-κB pathways. Carcinogenesis. 2021. 43. 2. 94-103
Nattawan Suwannakul, Kaoru Midorikawa, Chunping Du, Ya-Peng Qi, Jie Zhang, Bang-De Xiang, Mariko Murata, Ning Ma. Subcellular localization of HMGB1 in human cholangiocarcinoma: correlation with tumor stage. Discover. Oncology. 2021. 12. 1. 49-49
more... MISC (127): -
Midorikawa Kaoru, Murata Mariko, OUDAYVONE RATTANAVONG, Nakamura Satoshi, Midorikawa Yutaka. Polymorphism analysis of genes related to lifestyle-related diseases and sta tus of dietary habits among elderly people in Laos. 2025. S275-S275
Midorikawa Kaoru. A study on the risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease and lifestyle-related diseases. Precision Medicine. 2024. 7. 8. 658-662
翠川 裕, 柴田 徹郎, 翠川 薫. サルモネラの増殖可視化を用いたMTA合金の抗菌性証明. 日本衛生学雑誌. 2023. 78. Suppl. S188-S188
翠川 薫, ウーダボン・ラタナボン, 中村 哲, 翠川 裕, 村田 真理子. ラオスにおける生活習慣病関連遺伝子の多型解析. 日本衛生学雑誌. 2023. 78. Suppl. S212-S212
馮 国飛, 有馬 寧, 翠川 薫, 及川 伸二, 小林 果, Zhao Weilin, Zhang Zhe, 竹内 万彦, 村田 真理子. トランスフェリン受容体のノックダウンは上咽頭癌の細胞増殖および浸潤を抑制する(Knockdown of transferrin receptor suppresses cell proliferation and invasion of nasopharyngeal carcinoma). 日本癌学会総会記事. 2022. 81回. P-1290
more... Books (1): - Maintaining urban functions without sewage treatment plants-Development and environment in Laos-
2025 ISBN:4991312264
Professional career (1): Association Membership(s) (2):
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