J-GLOBAL ID:201901004934458037
Update date: Mar. 24, 2025 Tanimura Hiroshi
タニムラ ヒロシ | Tanimura Hiroshi
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (1): http://ilab.imr.tohoku.ac.jp/ Research field (1):
Inorganic compounds/materials chemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8): - 2021 - 2026 Crystalline polymorphic-change memory technology
- 2023 - 2025 パイエルス歪を有するカルコゲナイド結晶性相変化材料の光励起挙動評価
- 2021 - 2023 次世代光情報記録技術創成のための共鳴結合結晶の光誘起結晶-結晶相転移ダイナミクス
- 2018 - 2023 Construction of new mechanism for dual-ion storage batteries concerted by lithium and multivalent ions
- 2020 - 2022 Establishment of ultrafast phase change mechanism between crystals with phase transition strain by femtosecond laser excitation
- 2019 - 2021 dis- and re-ordering electron dynamics of phase change material with resonant bonding
- 2018 - 2019 デュアルイオン蓄電池におけるリチウムイオンと多価イオンが奏でる協奏的相互作用
- 2017 - 2019 photo-excitation dynamics of resonantly bonded electron system in phase change material
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Papers (44): -
Taichi Nogami, Issei Suzuki, Daiki Motai, Hiroshi Tanimura, Tetsu Ichitsubo, Takahisa Omata. Non-stoichiometry in SnS: How it affects thin-film morphology and electrical properties. APL Materials. 2025
Hiroshi Tanimura, Yohei Kaise, Takumi Nakajima, Yuji Sutou, Tetsu Ichitsubo. Effects of thermal and non-thermal structural phase transitions on the reflectance of metavalent bonding PbGeTe. Journal of Applied Physics. 2024
Hiroshi Tanimura, Shunsuke Mori, Tetsu Ichitsubo, Yuji Sutou. Photoinduced Nonvolatile Displacive Transformation and Optical Switching in MnTe Semiconductors. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2023
Hiroshi Tanimura, Katsumi Tanimura, Jun'ichi Kanasaki. Surface exciton formation on InP(110)-(1×1) studied by time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Physical Review B. 2023
Katsumi Tanimura, Hiroshi Tanimura, Jun'ichi Kanasaki. Ultrafast dynamics of photoinjected electrons at the nonthermal regime in the intra-Γ-valley relaxation in InP studied by time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Physical Review B. 2022. 106. 12
more... MISC (9): -
谷村洋, 河口智也, 市坪哲. 相変化による構造変化 光相変化材料の超高速光応答とそのダイナミクス. 固体物理. 2022. 57. 2
- 下川航平, 河口智也, 谷村洋, 岡本範彦, 市坪哲. 欠陥スピネル型酸化物に着目した新規Mg蓄電池正極材料の開発. 固体イオニクス討論会講演要旨集. 2019. 45th
- 金﨑 順一, 谷村 洋, 谷村 克己. フェムト秒時間分解光電子分光を用いた半導体における励起電子の超高速緩和ダイナミクスの研究. 固体物理. 2015. 50. 10. 519-530
- 谷村克己, 谷村克己, 谷村洋, 榊原昇一, YANG J, 岡田誠也, 河口智也, 市坪哲, 山田昇, 松原英一郎. 時間分解X線・電子線回折による相変化記憶材料Ge2Sb2Te5の光誘起構造相転移過程. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2015. 70. 2. ROMBUNNO.19PCF-2-1364
Tanimura H., Kanasaki J., Tanimur K. 7pAJ-6 Impact ionization in InSb studied by time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2014. 69. 2. 508-508
more... Lectures and oral presentations (11): -
(日本応用物理学会 2024)
(日本物理学会 2023)
VTe2 の 超高速光応答と光誘起相転移
(日本応用物理学会 2022)
Ultrafast optical response of VTe2
(材料シンポジウム 2021)
more... Professional career (1): - Ph.D (Engineering) (Osaka University)
Committee career (1): - 2020/04 - 現在 Phase Change Oriented Science committee member
Awards (1): - 2020/10 - 日本材料学会 優秀研究発表賞 光相変化材料の超高速アモルファス化過程の理解へ向けた共鳴結合結晶PbTeの光励起応答解析
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