J-GLOBAL ID:201901006215984315
Update date: Apr. 12, 2024 Kurumaya Shunichi
クルマヤ シュンイチ | Kurumaya Shunichi
Affiliation and department: Other affiliations (1): -
株式会社Pliant Robotics
Research field (2):
Mechanics and mechatronics
, Robotics and intelligent systems
Research keywords (5):
Musculoskeletal robot
, Artificial muscle
, Soft acutuator
, Soft Robotics
, Robotics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2019 - 2021 Soft Actuator with Active Variable Compliance
- 2017 - 2020 細径人工筋群を用いた生物規範超冗長ロボット機構の研究
Papers (23): -
F. Ito, Y. Ishii, S. Kurumaya, K. Kagaya, T. Nakamura. A Design Method for Instantaneous Force Generation Based on a Mantis Shrimp With Exoskeleton Spring. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 2024. 1-12
Fumio Ito, Yusuke Ishii, Shunichi Kurumaya, Katsushi Kagaya, Taro Nakamura. Instantaneous Force Generation Mechanism Based on the Striking Motion of Mantis Shrimp - Design and Control Method of Cavitation by Simulation and Experiment. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2022. 7. 4. 9342-9349
Fumio Ito, Shunichi Kurumaya, Riki Ono, Katsushi Kagaya, Yusuke Ishii, Taro Nakamura 0001. Instantaneous force generation mechanism based on the striking motion of the mantis shrimp - The effect of the diameter of the artificial muscle on the motion of the mechanism. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology(ICIT). 2022. 1-6
Yusuke Ishii, Fumio Ito, Shunichi Kurumaya, Taro Nakamura 0001. Effect on Jumping Height by Changing Jumping Powered Exoskeleton Attachment Position for Augmentation of Human Instantaneous Movements. CLAWAR. 2022. 537-549
KURUMAYA Shunichi, NAKAMURA Taro. Prototype of Soft Robotic Finger with Flexible Exoskeleton. The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec). 2021. 2021. 2P3-H11
more... MISC (5): -
伊藤文臣, 石井優丞, 車谷駿一, 加賀谷勝史, 中村太郎. Development of a Mantis Shrimp Type Instantaneous Force Generation Mechanism -Occurrence of Cavitation Due to Instantaneous Movement and Its Control-. 日本ロボット学会誌. 2022. 40. 7
伊藤文臣, 石井優丞, 車谷駿一, 加賀谷勝史, 中村太郎. シャコ規範型瞬発力発生機構の開発-瞬発的動作に伴うキャビテーション発生とそのコントロール-. 日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM). 2021. 39th
Shunichi Kurumaya, Koichi Suzumori. Thin McKibben Muscle and Robotic Application. 2019. 48. 2. 5-13
萩原大輝, 若松康太, 足立遼, 松井大育, 上田昌弘, 車谷駿一, 山田泰之, 山田泰之, 中村太郎. 効率的な土砂搬送のための加水機構を有した蠕動運動型搬送装置の開発. 建設ロボットシンポジウム論文集(CD-ROM). 2019. 19th
- 車谷 駿一, 鈴森 康一. 細径人工筋が実現するヒト型超冗長筋骨格ロボット. 機械の研究 = Science of machine. 2017. 69. 12. 997-1003
Patents (8): -
more... Books (1): - ソフトアクチュエータの材料・構成・応用技術
S&T出版株式会社 2016
Lectures and oral presentations (23): -
(日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2020)
(ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2020)
(第20回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 2019)
(第19回建設ロボットシンポジウム 2019)
(日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2019)
more... Education (4): - 2016 - 2019 Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
- 2016 - 2017 Harvard University WYSS/SEAS
- 2015 - 2016 Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School of Science and Engineering Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- 2011 - 2015 Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Engineering Department of Mechano-Aerospace Engineering
Professional career (3): - 博士(工学) (東京工業大学)
- 修士(工学) (東京工業大学)
- 学士(工学) (東京工業大学)
Work history (3): - 2019/04 - 現在 Pliant Robotics Co., Ltd President
- 2019/04 - 現在 Chuo University Research and Development Initiative Assistant Professor
- 2017/04 - 2019/03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research fellow (DC1)
Awards (6): - 2017/05 - 日本機械学会 若手優秀講演フェロー賞
- 2017/03 - 攻殻機動隊REALIZE PROJECT the AWARD 2016 義体(ロボット)部門 グランプリ
- 2017/03 - 日本機械学会 三浦賞
- 2015/12 - 第16回システムインテグレーション部門講演会 優秀講演賞
- 2015/03 - 航空宇宙学会 学生賞
- 2014/10 - Maritime RobotX Challenge 2014 Maritime RobotX Challenge Innovation Award: airblowing lens cleaner, ultrasonics use
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Association Membership(s) (2):
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