J-GLOBAL ID:201901008208703850
Update date: Oct. 10, 2024 Makiba Sakamoto
サカモト マキバ | Makiba Sakamoto
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (1): https://www.do-johodai.ac.jp/teachers/makibasakamoto/ Research field (1):
Control and systems engineering
Research keywords (4):
, Interface design
, Illustration
, Visual design
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2019 - 2023 Development of the Feedback System based on a Self-diagnosis for Cross-disciplinary PBL Exercise Classes
- 2015 - 2019 A study of supporting system for cross-disciplinary PBL class for engineering design education
Papers (13): -
Makiba SAKAMOTO, Hidetsugu SUTO, Matsunobu NOMURA. A Study on Effects of Collaborative Ice Break on Performance of Teamwork in Cross-Disciplinary PBL. Journal of JSEE. 2024. 72. 1. 1_65-1_77
坂本 牧葉, 須藤 秀紹, 野村 松信. チームワーク形成ための協調課題の導入が分野横断型PBLに及ぼす影響. 公益社団法人 日本工学教育協会発行「工学教育」. 2022. 未定
Naoshige Ogawa, Atsushi Fujita, Kazunori Okumura, Makiba Sakamoto. A study on the effect of design education using "Comparing Play". 2020. 28. 9-16
Makiba SAKAMOTO, Naoshige OGAWA, Kazunori OKUMURA. Analyses of educational effect of hospital art as Project Based Learning. 2020. 28. 31-38
- Hidetsugu Suto, Makiba Sakamoto. Developing an Education Material for Robot Literacy. HUMAN INTERFACE AND THE MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION: INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE IN APPLICATIONS AND SERVICES, PT II. 2014. 8522. 99-108
more... MISC (1): -
Sakamoto Makiba, Suto Hidetsugu, Sawai Masahiro. 1A-3 Influences of coloration of touch panel interface on its operations(Special Issue 41th Annual Meeting). 2010. 34. 12-13
Professional career (1): Awards (2): - 2017/10 - 西脇市岡之山美術館 第11回西脇市サムホール大賞展 入選 獏
- 2017/09 - 日本感性工学会 優秀発表賞 カフェと住空間の色彩計画に対する女性の好みについて
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