Shinta Seto. Improvement of gpm dual-frequency precipitation radar algorithms for version 07. Advances in Weather Radar. 2024. 1. 153-187
Shinta Seto, Toshio Iguchi, Robert Meneghini. Correction of Path-Integrated Attenuation Estimates Considering the Soil Moisture Effect for the GPM Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 2022. 39. 6. 803-821
Naota Hanasaki, Hikari Matsuda, Masashi Fujiwara, Yukiko Hirabayashi, Shinta Seto, Shinjiro Kanae, Taikan Oki. Toward hyper-resolution global hydrological models including human activities: application to Kyushu island, Japan. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2022. 26. 8. 1953-1975
Shinta Seto. Examining the Consistency of Precipitation Rate Estimates between the TRMM and GPM Ku-Band Radars. Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere. 2022. 18. 53-57
Shinta Seto, Dai Yamazaki, Takuji Kubota, Kosuke Yamamoto. Development of high-spatial-resolution global surface water map (GSMaWS Version4). JPGU Meeting 2024. 2024