J-GLOBAL ID:201901008337185033
Update date: Nov. 25, 2024 HAGINAKA Naomi
ハギナカ ナオミ | HAGINAKA Naomi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (1):
Primary/secondary education and curricula
Research keywords (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2022 - 2025 「語彙学習力」の育成を志向した書くことにおける語彙指導研究-中学校を中心に-
- 2019 - 2021 国語科における「語彙学習力」の育成-学習者視点からの語彙単元の開発-
- 2017 - 2017 対話における「きく力」を高める評価方法の開発 -相手の思いや考えの能動的な受容-
Papers (41): -
A Historical Study on Teaching Content from the Viewpoint of Fostering “Vocabulary Learning Ability” - Focusing on the Teaching Principle of Junior High School Course of Study: “Enriching Vocabulary”-. 2024. 8. 21-43
萩中奈穂美. 語彙学習において働かせる「感性」に関する一考察-大村はま『ことばの勉強会』(1970)を対象にー. 月刊国語教育研究 日本国語教育学会. 2024. 621. 48-55
萩中奈穂美. 「趣言葉」の語感を味わわせ、語意識を高めるための語彙指導 -語彙学習に対して前向きに判断する力を育成する-. 国語教育実践理論研究会研究紀要. 2024. 32. 83-90
萩中奈穂美. 国語科における語彙学習の動機づけに関する研究-語彙学習に対する価値の分類を中心に-. In principle, the journal name should be the abbreviated journal name specified by the journal in which the article was published.,If the journal name is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized.,The first letter of the first word should be capitalized, and the first letter of the second and subsequent words should be lower case. 2023. 47. 29-40
萩中奈穂美. 感情の認識を判断することに関わる語彙指導-映画「HACHI-約束の犬」を教材にした大学生対象の指導実践をもとに-. In principle, the journal name should be the abbreviated journal name specified by the journal in which the article was published.,If the journal name is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized.,The first letter of the first word should be capitalized, and the first letter of the second and subsequent words should be lower case. 2022. 31. 81-88
more... MISC (18): -
萩中 奈穂美. ほんとうは楽しい語彙学習,連載第7回 ,感情語彙の探究学習を表現学習と組み合わせる-感情語彙で自分の感情を捉える-. In principle, the journal name should be the abbreviated journal name specified by the journal in which the article was published.,If the journal name is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized.,The first letter of the first word should be capitalized, and the first letter of the second and subsequent words should be lower case. 2024. 898. 112-115
萩中奈穂美. ほんとうは楽しい語彙学習,連載第6回 ,日本語の「へそ」オノマトペで語彙の捉え方を学ぶ-商品も魅力を効果的に使える「ガリガリ君」-. 教育科学国語教育. 2024. 897. 112-115
萩中奈穂美. ほんとうは楽しい語彙学習,連載第5回 ,一日一ページ、辞書を読んで、書き込みをする-「紙」辞書を語彙学習の「神」辞書に-. In principle, the journal name should be the abbreviated journal name specified by the journal in which the article was published.,If the journal name is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized.,The first letter of the first word should be capitalized, and the first letter of the second and subsequent words should be lower case. 2024. 896. 112-115
萩中奈穂美. ほんとうは楽しい語彙学習 ,連載第4回 ,自分の心的辞書を定期的にモニタリングする-「ハリネズミ」の「健康診断」. In principle, the journal name should be the abbreviated journal name specified by the journal in which the article was published.,If the journal name is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized.,The first letter of the first word should be capitalized, and the first letter of the second and subsequent words should be lower case. 2024. 895
萩中奈穂美. ほんとうは楽しい語彙学習 ,連載第3回 ,語句を構成する部分(特に漢字)に着目する -語句の「解体新書」-. In principle, the journal name should be the abbreviated journal name specified by the journal in which the article was published.,If the journal name is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized.,The first letter of the first word should be capitalized, and the first letter of the second and subsequent words should be lower case. 2024. 894. 112-115
more... Books (14): - 板書で見る全単元の授業のすべて 国語 中学校1年
東洋館出版社 2022 ISBN:9784491047751
- 「走れメロス」の授業 (対話的な学びで一人一人を育てる中学校国語授業)
東洋館出版社 2021
- 「感性的思考力」と「論理的思考力」を生かした「ことばを磨き考え合う」授業づくり
明治図書 2020
- 3年間を見通せる中学校学級経営コンプリート
東洋館出版社 2020
- 対話的に学び「きく」力を育てる国語の授業
明治図書 2018 ISBN:4182365119
more... Lectures and oral presentations (40): -
If the title of your presentation is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized. ,If the title is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized.
(第42回 小矢部市学校教育研究大会 学力向上講演会 2024)
(福井県立足羽高等学校 授業力向上研修会 2024)
If the title of your presentation is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized. ,If the title is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized.
(富山市中学校教育研究会(国語部会) 2024)
If the title of your presentation is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized. ,If the title is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized.
(小松市授業開発推進チーム公開授業研究会 2023)
If the title of your presentation is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized. ,If the title is in European language, the first letter of the word should be capitalized.
(第32回(通算63回)国語教育実践理論研究会(KZR)研究集会 2023)
more... Education (2): - 2008 - 2010 University of Toyama Graduate School, Division of Education 教育学研究科 教科教育専攻 国語教育専修
- 1987 - 1991 University of Toyama 教育学部 小学校教員養成課程
Professional career (1): - 修士(教育学) (University of Toyama)
Work history (6): Committee career (6): Awards (1): - 2017/03 - 文部科学省 平成28年度文部科学大臣優秀教職員表彰
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本教科教育学会
, 国語教育実践理論研究会
, 全国大学国語教育学会
, 日本国語教育学会
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