J-GLOBAL ID:201901008446278637
Update date: Jan. 28, 2025 Yaji Koichiro
Yaji Koichiro
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Group leader
Other affiliations (1): - Tohoku University
Unprecedented-scale Data Analytics Center
Specially appointed professor
Research field (2):
Magnetism, superconductivity, and strongly correlated systems
, Semiconductors, optical and atomic physics
Research keywords (3):
photoemission spectroscopy
, surface physics
, electronic physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11): - 2019 - 2022 Cross-sectional research for opt-spintronics explored by time-, spin- and angle-resolved photoemission
- 2019 - 2022 強相関トポロジカル結晶のスピン偏極表面状態のSTM及びSARPESによる研究
- 2018 - 2021 強相関トポロジカル結晶のスピン偏極表面状態のSTM及びSARPESによる研究
- 2018 - 2021 スピン分解光電子分光の基礎理論の構築に向けた光電子スピン干渉の研究
- 2019 - 2020 単体トポロジカル超伝導体の物質探査と電子状態の研究
- 2015 - 2018 時間分解及びスピン分解光電子分光による表面一次元金属電子のスピン物性研究
- 2014 - 2017 スピン分解STMとARPESによる表面スピンナノ物性の研究
- 2012 - 2014 表面吸着種により制御されたスピン偏極ゲルマニウム表面電子状態の研究
- 2011 - 2013 高輝度放射光を利用する表面ダイナミクスの研究
- 2007 - Study of phase transition for 0.5ML Sn/Cu(001)
- 2004 - The electronic structure of chromium chalcogenides Cr1-X studied by soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism
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Papers (128): -
Ryo Toyama, Shunsuke Tsuda, Yuma Iwasaki, Thang Dinh Phan, Susumu Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Yamane, Koichiro Yaji, Yuya Sakuraba. High-throughput evaluation of half-metallicity of Co 2 MnSi Heusler alloys using composition-spread films and spin-integrated hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 2025. 26. 1
Koichiro Yaji, Yuya Hattori, Shunsuke Yoshizawa, Shunsuke Tsuda, Fumio Komori, Youhei Yamaji, Yuto Fukushima, Kaishu Kawaguchi, Takeshi Kondo, Yuki Tokumoto, et al. Visualization of spin-polarized surface resonances in Pb-based ternary topological insulators. Scientific Reports. 2024. 14. 1. 25868
Tomonori Nakamura, Yitao Chen, Ryohei Nemoto, Wenxuan Qian, Yuto Fukushima, Kaishu Kawaguchi, Ryo Mori, Takeshi Kondo, Youhei Yamaji, Shunsuke Tsuda, et al. Moiré superlattices of antimonene on a Bi(111) substrate with van Hove singularity and Rashba-type spin polarization. Communications Materials. 2024. 5. 1
Yuto Fukushima, Kaishu Kawaguchi, Kenta Kuroda, Masayuki Ochi, Motoaki Hirayama, Ryo Mori, Hiroaki Tanaka, Ayumi Harasawa, Takushi Iimori, Zhigang Zhao, et al. Spin-polarized saddle points in the topological surface states of elemental bismuth revealed by pump-probe spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Physical Review B. 2024. 110. 4
Koichiro Yaji, Kenta Kuroda, Shunsuke Tsuda, Fumio Komori. Spin polarization of photoelectrons emitted from spin-orbit coupled surface states of Pb/Ge(111). Microscopy. 2024. 73. 5. 439-445
more... MISC (96): -
川口海周, 黒田健太, 福島優斗, 田中宏明, 原沢あゆみ, 飯盛拓嗣, 趙智剛, 谷峻太郎, KOKH K. A., TERESHENKO O. E., et al. 時間・スピン・角度分解光電子分光装置の開発とスピン偏極表面状態の光励起ダイナミクス観測. 日本放射光学会年会・放射光科学合同シンポジウム(Web). 2022. 35th
福島優斗, 川口海周, 黒田健太, 田中宏明, 原沢あゆみ, 飯盛拓嗣, ZHAO Z., 谷峻太郎, 矢治光一郎, 辛埴, et al. Observation of spin-polarized surface state of Bi(111) studied by time-, spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2022. 77. 1
下澤皐介, 小久保裕太, 黒田健太, 川口海周, 原沢あゆみ, 近藤猛, 矢治光一郎, SHIN Shik, 金井要. Rashba splitting of Shockley state on Au(111) affected by adsorption of SnPc. 応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2021. 68th
川口海周, 福島優斗, 黒田健太, 田中宏明, 原沢あゆみ, 飯盛拓嗣, ZHAO Zhingang, 谷峻太郎, KOKH K. A., TERESHENKO O. E., et al. Time-, spin, and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements of photo-induced dynamics on spin-polarized electronic states. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2021. 76. 2
川口海周, 黒田健太, ZHAO Zhigang, 谷俊太郎, 原沢あゆみ, 矢治光一郎, 野口亮, 藤澤正美, 辛埴, 小森文夫, et al. Polarization-dependent spin-resolved ARPES study of topological surface states with 10.7 eV laser. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2021. 76. 1
more... Lectures and oral presentations (49): -
Spin-polarized surface states and symmetry of graphene/Sn/SiC(0001)
(Abstract book of Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science 2019)
表面一次元原子鎖Au/Ge(001)の二次元電子状態 II
(日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 2018)
(光学 2018)
Spin-orbital entanglement of Shockley-type surface states on noble metals (111) studied by laser-SARPES
(Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 2017)
Spin polarization of surface states and photoelectrons of Pb/Ge(111) studied by laser-SARPES with tunable photon polarization
(Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 2017)
more... Education (1): - 2003 - 2006 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Science Department of Physical Science
Professional career (1): Work history (8): - 2024/05 - 現在 Tohoku University Unprecedented-scale Data Analytics Center Appointed professor
- 2023/04 - 現在 National Institute for Materials Science Center for basic research on materials Group leader
- 2021/04 - 2023/03 National Institute for Materials Science Research Center for Advanced Measurement and Characterization Group leader
- 2020/04 - 2021/03 National Institute for Materials Science Research Center for Advanced Measurement and Characterization Senior Researcher
- 2010/09 - 2020/03 University of Tokyo Institute for Solid State Physics research associate
- 2008/04 - 2010/08 Kyoto Univeristy Graduate School of Science Postdoctoral Researcher
- 2006/04 - 2008/03 University of Tokyo Institute for Solid State Physics Postdoctoral Researcher
- 2002/04 - 2003/01 TDK Corporation
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Committee career (4): - 2020/10 - 2022/09 日本放射光学会 編集委員
- 2019/10 - 2020/09 日本物理学会 領域9世話人
- 2019/04 - 2020/03 日本放射光学会 組織委員
- 2012/04 - 2014/03 日本放射光学会 行事委員
Awards (4): - 2018/10 - 14th International Conference on Electronic Spectroscopy and Structure Best poster prize Spin polarization of photoelectron emitted from spin-orbit coupled surface states investigated by laser-SARPES
- 2013/04 - 日本物理学会 若手奨励賞(領域9)
- 2010/05 - 日本表面科学会 第29回表面科学学術講演大会 講演奨励賞(若手研究者部門) 4/3原子層鉛吸着Ge(111)表面のラッシュバ分裂した電子状態
- 2009/10 - Best poster prize Rashba spin splitting of metallic surface state for 4/3-monolayer Pb/Ge(111)
Association Membership(s) (3):
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