Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2021 - 2025 震災後短歌による出来事の現前化と再構築に関する総合的研究
Papers (17):
Ikuko ENDO. Zombie Representations and Nuclear Power Plants: A Reading of Riku Onda's The Rusty Sun(錆びた太陽). The Pandemic and Feminism. 2022
Ikuko ENDO. A Practical Study of Acceptance of Ishinomori Syotaro's Manga to connect with Local Communities. Bulletin of Ishinomaki Senshu University. 2021. 32
Ikuko ENDO. The Voice of Tinnitus Ears Listening - A-bomb Tanka by Shinoe Shoda. Women's Literature in the Late Showa Period. 2020. 57-71
Ikuko ENDO. A Practical Study of Reading Education to connect with Local Communities: Activities of Bibliobattle in Ishinomaki Senshu University. Bulletin of Ishinomaki Senshu University. 2019. 30. 93-104
遠藤 郁子. A Study of Kadono Eiko's "Ritchan's Strange Salad" : in Relation to Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education. 石巻専修大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of Ishinomaki Senshu University. 2018. 29. 93-102
Ikuko ENDO. Book revuew: The Tanka by Women (女人短歌) by Mieko Hamada. 2024. 3621. 11-11
Ikuko ENDO. Book review: Haruo Sato and the Sensibility of Taisho Japan(佐藤春夫と大正日本の感性) by Tatsuya Kono. Modern Japanese Literary Studies. 2020. 102. 118-121
Yoshiko Takagi's Tanka World
(New Feminist Critique Group June Meeting 2023)
Sayaka Murata's <I>Earthlings(地球星人)</I> - Memory of Silkworms and Aliens
(New Feminist Critique Group February Meeting 2022)
Sayaka Murata’s<I> Earthlings(地球星人) </I>- On the Representation of Pregnant Aliens
(Summer Convention of the Tohoku Branch of the Association for Modern Japanese Literary Studies 2021)
Riku Onda's The Rusty Sun(錆びた太陽) and Zombie Representations
(Spring Covention of the Association for Modern Japanese Literary Studies 2019)