J-GLOBAL ID:201901009780131252
Update date: Sep. 22, 2024 Shiotari Akitoshi
Shiotari Akitoshi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Group leader
Research field (3):
Thin-film surfaces and interfaces
, Nanostructure physics
, Nanomaterials
Research keywords (4):
surface/interface science
, surface physical chemistry
, scanning probe microscopy
, nanoscience
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7): Papers (44): -
Youngwook Park, Ikutaro Hamada, Adnan Hammud, Takashi Kumagai, Martin Wolf, Akitoshi Shiotari. Atomic-precision control of plasmon-induced single-molecule switching in a metal-semiconductor nanojunction. Nature Communications. 2024. 15. 1
Borja Cirera, Shuyi Liu, Youngwook Park, Ikutaro Hamada, Martin Wolf, Akitoshi Shiotari, Takashi Kumagai. Single-molecule tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of C60 on the Si(111)-(7 × 7) surface. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2024. 26. 32. 21325-21331
Ayumu Ishii, Akitoshi Shiotari, Yoshiaki Sugimoto. Mechanically induced single-molecule helicity switching of graphene-nanoribbon-fused helicene on Au(111). CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 2021. 12. 40. 13301-13306
Kenta Kuroishi, Muhammad Rifqi Al Fauzan, Thanh Ngoc Pham, Yuelin Wang, Yuji Hamamoto, Kouji Inagaki, Akitoshi Shiotari, Hiroshi Okuyama, Shinichiro Hatta, Tetsuya Aruga, et al. A flat-lying dimer as a key intermediate in NO reduction on Cu(100). PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 2021. 23. 31. 16880-16887
Septia Eka Marsha Putra, Fahdzi Muttaqien, Yuji Hamamoto, Kouji Inagaki, Akitoshi Shiotari, Jun Yoshinobu, Yoshitada Morikawa, Ikutaro Hamada. Theoretical study on adsorption and reaction of polymeric formic acid on the Cu(111) surface. Physical Review Materials. 2021. 5. 7
more... MISC (16): -
Junichi Yamaguchi, Hironobu Hayashi, Hideyuki Jippo, Akitoshi Shiotari, Manabu Ohtomo, Mitsuhiro Sakakura, Nao Hieda, Naoki Aratani, Mari Ohfuchi, Yoshiaki Sugimoto, et al. Small bandgap in atomically precise 17-atom-wide armchair-edged graphene nanoribbons (vol 1, 36, 2020). COMMUNICATIONS MATERIALS. 2020. 1. 1
塩足亮隼, 濱田幾太郎, 中江隆博, 森重樹, 奥島鉄雄, 宇野英満, 坂口浩司, 濱本雄治, 森川良忠, 杉本宜昭. Fabrication of nanographene molecules via dehydrogenation induced by metal-tip proximity. 日本表面真空学会学術講演会要旨集(Web). 2020. 2020
塩足亮隼, 濱田幾太郎, 中江隆博, 森重樹, 奥島鉄雄, 宇野英満, 坂口浩司, 濱本雄治, 森川良忠, 杉本宜昭. SPM-tip-catalyzed dehydrogenation of individual aromatic hydrocarbon molecules. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2020. 75. 2
- 越田裕之, 八田振一郎, 奥山弘, 塩足亮隼, 杉本宜昭, 有賀哲也. Cu(111)表面における水-NO複合体の形成とその鎖状成長. 京都大学物性科学センター誌. 2018. 32. 42
- Akitoshi Shiotari, Yoshiaki Sugimoto. Atomic Force Microscopy Observation of Water Networks at Ultrahigh Resolution. Journal of surface science and vacuum. 2018. 61. 4. 215-220
more... Books (3): - 分子アーキテクトニクス(CSJ:31)
化学同人 2018 ISBN:9784759813913
- Compendium of Surface and Interface Analysis
Springer 2018 ISBN:9789811061554
- Reactivity of Nitric Oxide on Copper Surfaces
Springer 2017 ISBN:9789811045820
Lectures and oral presentations (6): -
Control of chemical reactions for single molecules by atomic force microscopy at high spatial resolution
(超高空間分解能SPM の最前線 2019)
(第13回日本表面科学会放射光表面科学研究部会・SPring-8ユーザー協同体顕微ナノ材料科学研究会合同シンポジウム 2018)
(日本物理学会第73回年次大会 2018)
(第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 2016)
more... Education (3): - 2012 - 2015 Kyoto University Graduate School of Science Department of Chemistry
- 2010 - 2012 Kyoto University Graduate School of Science Department of Chemistry
- 2006 - 2010 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1): Work history (3): - 2021/05 - 現在 Fritz-Haber Institute of the Max-Planck Society Department of Physical Chemistry Group leader
- 2015/04 - 2021/04 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Research Associate
- 2012/04 - 2015/03 The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellow (DC1)
Committee career (2): - 2018/04 - 2021/03 The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science Committee member, Kanto Chapter
- 2019/04 - 2020/03 The Physical Society of Japan Program committee, Division 9
Awards (11): - 2021/03 - The Physical Society of Japan Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan Control of adsorption structures and valence states of nitric oxide at the single-molecule level
- 2018/05 - The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science SSSJ Young-Researcher Lecture Award
- 2016/09 - The Japan Society of Applied Physics Young Scientist Presentation Award
- 2016/05 - The Surface Science Society of Japan SSSJ Student Award
- 2016/04 - Springer Springer Theses Award
- 2015/07 - NIMS Conference 2015 Young Scientist Poster Award
- 2014/11 - 7th International Symposium on Surface Science Best Poster Award
- 2014/06 - 新学術領域 分子アーキテクトニクス 第3回領域会議 学生ポスター賞
- 2013/11 - The Surface Science Society of Japan SSSJ Paper Award
- 2013/06 - 29th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics Best Poster Prize
- 2012/12 - 28th Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics Best Poster Prize
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Association Membership(s) (3):
, The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science
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