Research keywords (2):
clinical pharmacy
, Drug Information
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2021 - 2024 医薬品情報の入手・理解・評価・活用に関する教育改善に向けた実証的研究
2019 - 2022 Consumer health communication tools for self-care: Development and validation of integrated evaluation system
Papers (18):
健 山本, 弘美 大室, 淳二 猿渡, 美智子 山本. Development and Evaluation of a Communication Index for the Labelling of Foods with Function Claims. 2023
Akiko Yaguchi-Saito, Ken Yamamoto, Tami Sengoku, Machi Suka, Tsugumichi Sato, Miwa Hinata, Toshiaki Nakamura, Takeo Nakayama, Michiko Yamamoto. Evaluation of rapid drug safety communication materials for patients in Japan. Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics. 2021. 15. 2. 101-107
丸山加名, 近藤悠希, 近藤悠希, 山門慎一郎, 加治屋忠一, 山本健, 古川綾, 石塚洋一, 石塚洋一, 岩元正義, et al. Actual Use of Internet by Patients with Diabetes to Find Drug Information. 医薬品情報学. 2021. 23. 2
森元能仁, 山本健, 廣澤伊織, 神林弾, 田島紳介, 小林庸子, 吉田正, 渡部一宏, 廣原正宜. Development and use of virtual reality video educational materials in clinical pharmacy education. 日本薬学会年会要旨集(Web). 2024. 144th
山本健, 粟田口遥花, 中川友里, 森元能仁, 神林弾, 廣澤伊織, 渡部一宏, 廣原正宜. Problems in Japanese Pharmaceutical Education Extracted from the Contents of Health and Physical Education Textbooks. 日本薬学会年会要旨集(Web). 2023. 143rd