Action of the evacuation drills of the post recovery project from 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake : Case Study at 2018 usuiso iwaki city fukushima. 2019. 55. 221-224
橘 一光, 森口 周二, 高瀬 慎介, 寺田 賢二郎, 青木 尊之, 神谷 浩二, 小高 猛司. Numerical analysis on non-linear characteristic of permeability coefficient of geomaterial using fluid-particle-coupled simulation. 計算工学講演会論文集 Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science. 2017. 22. 4p
橘 一光, 森口 周二, 高瀬 慎介, 寺田 賢二郎, 神谷 浩二, 小高 猛司. A Numerical Simulation of Grain-scale seepage flow of Geomaterials using Immersed Boundary Method. 計算工学講演会論文集 Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science. 2016. 21. 4p
森口 周二, 橘 一光, 寺田 賢二郎. A simulation of a drop-experiment of crushed stone using DEM. 計算工学講演会論文集 Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science. 2015. 20. 5p
2018/10 - 2022/03 National Institute of Technology, Fukushima College Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Assistant Professor
Awards (2):
2020/06 - 令和元年度地盤工学会研究奨励賞 Characterization of transition from Darcy to non-Darcy flow with 3D pore-level simulations
2015/07 - Applied Mechanics Committee, JSCE JSCE Applied Mechanics Young Researcher Paper Award Quantitative relationship between shape representation quality and calculation accuracy