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J-GLOBAL ID:201901010611794380   Update date: Mar. 20, 2024

Suzuki Masashi

Suzuki Masashi
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Neurology
Research keywords  (2): 自律神経 ,  パーキンソン病
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 2020 - 2022 Establishment of a diagnostic marker for Parkinson's disease by detecting parasympathetic dysfunction
  • 2018 - 2020 Study of cardiac parasympathetic dysfunction by using wearable devices in Parkinson's disease
Papers (77):
  • 鈴木 将史, 大羽 知里, 畑中 麻衣, 平賀 経太, 玉腰 大悟, 福島 大喜, 植松 高史, 坪井 崇, 平山 正昭, 勝野 雅央. 若手研究者が担う自律神経研究の新時代(臨床編) 心拍変動解析によるパーキンソン病の自律神経障害の検出. 日本自律神経学会総会プログラム・抄録集. 2023. 76回. 73-73
  • 鈴木 将史, 大羽 知里, 畑中 麻衣, 坪井 崇, 勝野 雅央. 交感神経負荷によるレム睡眠行動異常症、早期パーキンソン病の心拍変動低下の検出. パーキンソン病・運動障害疾患コングレスプログラム・抄録集. 2023. 17回. 109-109
  • 小森 祥太, 坪井 崇, 鈴木 将史, 中村 友彦, 勝野 雅央. イストラデフィリンの過量服薬が誘因と考えられたdyskinesia-hyperpyrexia syndromeの1例. 臨床神経学. 2022. 62. 8. 627-631
  • Shota Komori, Takashi Tsuboi, Masashi Suzuki, Tomohiko Nakamura, Masahisa Katsuno. [Dyskinesia-hyperpyrexia syndrome triggered by overdose of istradefylline: a case report]. Rinsho shinkeigaku = Clinical neurology. 2022
  • Masashi Suzuki, Tomohiko Nakamura, Masaaki Hirayama, Masamichi Ueda, Mai Hatanaka, Yumiko Harada, Masahiro Nakatochi, Daisuke Nakatsubo, Satoshi Maesawa, Ryuta Saito, et al. Wearable sensor device-based detection of decreased heart rate variability in Parkinson's disease. Journal of neural transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 2022. 129. 10. 1299-1306
MISC (10):
  • Kayo Takenaka, Takuya Takeichi, Ryoji Nishi, Masashi Suzuki, Haruki Koike, Masahisa Katsuno, Mariko Ogawa-Momohara, Yoshinao Muro, Masashi Akiyama. ANCA-associated neuropathy in systemic sclerosis: A case report and review of literature. JOURNAL OF CUTANEOUS IMMUNOLOGY AND ALLERGY. 2021. 4. 2. 34-36
  • Nakamura T, Imai E, Ueda M, Suzuki M, Tohnai G, Katsuno M. Association of impaired melatonin secretion with sleep disturbance in Parkinson's disease. JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2017. 381. 296-296
  • Suzuki M, Nakamura T, Hirayama M, Ueda M, Imai E, Katsuno M. Relationship between cardiac parasympathetic dysfunction and atrophy of the medulla oblongata in multiple system atrophy. JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2017. 381. 921-921
  • Ueda M, Imai E, Suzuki M, Nakamura T, Hirayama M, Katsuno M. Orthostatic hypotension in multiple system atrophy: Relation to symptoms and cognitive impairments. JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2017. 381. 922-922
  • Imai E, Ueda M, Suzuki M, Nakamura T, Katsuno M. Correlation between nerve conduction and progression rate patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2017. 381. 492-492
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