J-GLOBAL ID:201901011285974760
Update date: Sep. 27, 2024 Sasaki Hiroshi
Sasaki Hiroshi
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Social welfare
Research keywords (4):
, インド
, 教育
, 貧困
Papers (5): -
Sasaki Hiroshi. Development of Higher Education in India: Analysis of the All India Survey on Higher Education. Ajia Keizai. 2017. 58. 1. 73-96
SASAKI Hiroshi. A Review of Theories of Social Welfare in the Postmodern Era. The Journal of Educational Sociology. 2014. 94. 113-136
SASAKI Hiroshi. Inclusive Growth and School Education: What We Have Learned from the Life Histories of Young People Living in the City of Uttar Pradesh, India. 2011. 1. 107-126
Sasaki Hiroshi. Poverty and School Education in Developing Countries : Analysis of interviews with youth in a provincial city of Northern India. 2007. 2. 43-66
Sasaki Hiroshi. School Choice and Divided Primary Education : Case Study of Varanasi, UP State, India. Minamiajiakenkyu. 2005. 2004. 16. 17-39
MISC (18): -
SASAKI Hiroshi. Development of Higher Education in India: Analysis of the All India Survey on Higher Education 2019-2020. 2024. 18. 77-93
SASAKI Hiroshi. The Review of the academic discourses about the social mevement of the poor in Japan. 2022. 17. 29-49
佐々木 宏. 大学は出たけれど -- 北インド地方都市の高学歴青年の困難 (特集 インドにおける教育と雇用のリンケージ). アジ研ワールド・トレンド. 2017. 258. 4-7
佐々木 宏. インドにおける高等教育の就学機会-All India Survey on Higher Education 2011-12をてがかりに. 「学校から仕事へ:インドにおける教育と雇用のリンケージ」調査研究報告書. 2015. 1. 1-18
Sasaki Hiroshi. The Educated Unemployment and the Management Education in India : A Case study of the Private Business Schools in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh <Article>. 2014. 13. 1-26
more... Books (3): - 教える・学ぶ : 教育に何ができるか
明石書店 2019 ISBN:9784750347905
- インド地方都市における教育と階級の再生産 : 高学歴失業青年のエスノグラフィー
明石書店 2014 ISBN:9784750340760
- インドにおける教育の不平等
明石書店 2011 ISBN:9784750333618
Professional career (1): - Ph.D. in Education (Hokkaido University)
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