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J-GLOBAL ID:201901013067849337   Update date: Jan. 05, 2025

Yuusaku Takamura

Yuusaku Takamura
Research field  (1): Rehabilitation science
Papers (12):
  • Ryo Akaguchi, Yusaku Takamura, Hiroyuki Okuno, Shu Morioka, Noritaka Kawashima. Relative contribution of sensory and motor deficits on grip force control in patients with chronic stroke. Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. 2024. 161. 231-241
  • Aichi Ryo, Takamura Yusaku, Hikosaka Mikito, Kawashima Noritaka. Evaluation for residual locomotor function after spinal cord injury by representation of spatiotemporal pattern of lower limb activity during passive stepping. Neurological Physical Therapy. 2023. 2. 1. 12-23
  • Yusaku Takamura, Shintaro Fujii, Satoko Ohmatsu, Koki Ikuno, Kohei Tanaka, Atsushi Manji, Hiroaki Abe, Shu Morioka, Noritaka Kawashima. Interaction between spatial neglect and attention deficit in patients with right hemisphere damage. Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior. 2021. 141. 331-346
  • Yusaku Takamura, Shintaro Fujii, Satoko Ohmatsu, Shu Morioka, Noritaka Kawashima. Pathological structure of visuospatial neglect: A comprehensive multivariate analysis of spatial and non-spatial aspects. iScience. 2021. 24. 4. 102316-102316
  • Naomichi Mizuta, Naruhito Hasui, Tomoki Nakatani, Yusaku Takamura, Shintaro Fujii, Masako Tsutsumi, Junji Taguchi, Shu Morioka. Walking characteristics including mild motor paralysis and slow walking speed in post-stroke patients. Scientific reports. 2020. 10. 1. 11819-11819
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