J-GLOBAL ID:201901015232066752
Update date: Feb. 03, 2025 Yamahana kyoko
Yamahana kyoko
Affiliation and department: Research field (3):
Sociology/history of science and technology
, Art history
, Archaeology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2018 - 2023 Dynamics and Knowledge and Cultural Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean World
- 2015 - 2019 Ways of Transmitting Knowledge in the Ancient Mediterranean World
Papers (29): -
YAMAHANA kyoko. Ancient Egyptian faience - Some Observations through the Replication of Efflorescence, Cementation, and Application Methods. Journal of West Asian Archaeology. 2023. 24 4
Kyoko Yamahana. Historical consideration of Ancient Egyptian faience through a craftsman’s point of view. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 2022. 130. 8. 512-518
YAMAHANA Kyoko. Revealing the Ancient Egyptian’s Piety through Scientific Investigation of a Baboon God Figure Progress Report of the Crowd Funding Project of Tokai Universit. 2022. 7
YAMAHANA Kyoko. The first papyrus restoration project in Japan: Educating students to become papyrus conservators. Comite international pour l’Egyptologie” (CIPEG) Journal. 2022. 4. 67-74
YAMAHANA Kyoko, ABE Yoshinari, MURAKUSHI Madoka. Typological and Scientific Analyses on glass Beads of Tokai University Andean Collection. 2021. 65. 3-25
more... MISC (1): -
KONTANI Ryouichi, YAMAHANA Kyoko. West Asia and North Africa. SHIGAKU ZASSHI. 2003. 112. 5. 865-872
Books (10): - Why were the ancient Egyptian Phraohs male?
2023 ISBN:4787723146
- Ancient Western Asia and Greece
2023 ISBN:9784000114127
- 古代地中海世界と文化的記憶
山川出版社 2022 ISBN:9784634672550
- OHARA MUSEUM OF ART- Art and Architecture
2022 ISBN:9784991224003
- Leadership of the Pharaohs
more... Lectures and oral presentations (22): -
Learn Ancient Egypt - The gold of Tutankhamen -
(望星ゼミナール 2024)
ラメセス2世 ライフヒストリーと巨大建造物
(望星ゼミナール 2024)
Jewerlly and Body Ornament in Ancient Egypt - Sacred blue of Faience-
さわれる! 文化財 -レプリカ制作から開ける新たな活用用- モデラ- x 学芸員 x 研究者
(知のコスモス講演会 2024)
more... Work history (1): - 2011/04 - 現在 Keio University Archaeology and Ethnology
Committee career (1): - 2023/06 - 現在 日本ガラス工芸学会 副会長
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