J-GLOBAL ID:201901016121204532
Update date: Sep. 03, 2024 Niikura Takahito
ニイクラ タカヒト | Niikura Takahito
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2023 - 2026 A Sociological Study on the Japanese Business Machines and Discourses in Rapid Growth Era
- 2021 - 2024 1920~40年代日本の技術論:グローバルな知性史の観点から
- 2015 - 2017 A study of historical sociology on nationalism and industrial technologies in postwar Japan
Papers (9): -
新倉 貴仁. プロトコルと書き込み : Lisa Gitelmanのメディア研究をめぐって. メディア研究 = Japan journal of media, journalism and communication studies / 日本メディア学会 編. 2024. 104. 165-183
NIIKURA Takahito. Automation Technology in Postwar Japanese Society : A Technological Condition of the Consumer Society. JOURNAL OF MASS COMMUNICATION STUDIES. 2015. 86. 86. 143-160
Niikura Takahito. Intellectuals in Postwar Japan and Their Modes of Address:On Fujita Shozo's Theoretical Thought about Rhetoric and Reading. The Annual Review of Sociology. 2011. 2011. 24. 156-167
新倉貴仁. 何もない私たち-小熊英二『1968』をめぐって. 書評ソシオロゴス. 2009. 6. 21-33
新倉貴仁. ナショナリズムの知識人-福澤諭吉と構成的権力. 年報社会学論集. 2009. 22. 56-67
more... MISC (16): -
A Historical Study of the Relationship between National Characters and Office Work in Japan : On the Mechanical Reproduction and Organization of Documents. The Seijo Bungei : the Seijo University arts and literature quarterly. 2024. 264. 71(42)-49(64)
新倉 貴仁. 事務機械の歴史社会学的研究に向けて--イエイツのControl through Communication: The Rise of System in American Managementをめぐって. 『コミュニケーション紀要』. 2023. 34. 39-53
A Theoretical Perspective on Contemporary Nationalism in Japan : From Mechanical Reproduction to Digital Reproduction. Seijo communication studies. 2022. 33. 21-33
A History of Control Technologies : A Tentative Review of David A. Mindell’s Between Human and Machine. Seijo communication studies. 2021. 32. 53-65
新倉 貴仁. デジタル化する社会とオリンピック--ランニングと腕時計の大衆化に注目して. 石坂友司・井上洋一編『未完のオリンピック 変わるスポ-ツと変わらない日本社会』かもがわ出版. 2020. 138-166
more... Books (3): - 技術と文化のメディア論
ナカニシヤ出版 2021 ISBN:9784779514821
- 山の手「成城」の社会史 : 都市・ミドルクラス・文化
青弓社 2020 ISBN:9784787234667
- 「能率」の共同体 近代日本のミドルクラスとナショナリズム
岩波書店 2017 ISBN:9784000018241
Education (4): - - 2005 The University of Tokyo
- - 2005 The University of Tokyo
- - 2002 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Letters Psychology and sociology
- - 2002 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Literature
Professional career (1): Work history (4): - 2018/04 - 現在 Seijo University Faculty of Arts and Literature
- 2018/04 - 現在 Associate Professor,Faculty of Arts and Literature,Seijo University
- 2015/04 - 2018/03 Seijo University Faculty of Arts and Literature
- 2015/04 - 2018/03 Assistant Professor,Faculty of Arts and Literature,Seijo University
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