J-GLOBAL ID:201901016404263780
Update date: Dec. 29, 2024 Hirakata Shigeki
ヒラカタ シゲキ | Hirakata Shigeki
Affiliation and department: Research field (2):
Molecular biology
, Functional biochemistry
Research keywords (8):
liquid-liquid phase separation
, RNA binding protein
, RNA granule
, piRNA
, non-coding RNA
, transposon
, small RNA
, RNA silencing
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 2022 - 2024 細胞質液滴Yb bodyにおけるShu排除の解明と液滴特異的プロテオームへの応用
- 2019 - 2023 Small RNA pathway analysis on C. elegans and the relatives
- 2020 - 2022 Mechanism of piRNA precursor selection in Drosophila ovarian somatic cells
- 2017 - 2019 ショウジョウバエ卵巣体細胞のpiRNA生合成機構におけるYbタンパク質の機能解析
Papers (8): -
Shigeki Hirakata, Aoi Fujita, Mikiko C. Siomi. Transient residence of the repulsive client Shutdown in Yb bodies plays a critical role in Piwi-piRISC biogenesis and maintaining fertility. 2024
Yuica Koga, Shigeki Hirakata, Mayu Negishi, Hiroya Yamazaki, Tatsuya Fujisawa, Mikiko C. Siomi. Dipteran-specific Daedalus controls Zucchini endonucleolysis in piRNA biogenesis independent of exonucleases. Cell Reports. 2024. 43. 11. 114923-114923
Takase, N., Otsu, M., Hirakata, S., Ishizu, H., Siomi, M.C., Kawai, G. T-hairpin structure found in the RNA element involved in piRNA biogenesis. RNA. 2022. 28. 4. 541-550
Hirakata, S., Siomi, M. Assembly and function of gonad-specific non-membranous organelles in drosophila piRNA Biogenesis. Non-coding RNA. 2019. 5. 4
- Hirakata S, Ishizu H, Fujita A, Tomoe Y, Siomi MC. Requirements for multivalent Yb body assembly in transposon silencing in Drosophila. EMBO reports. 2019. 20. 7. e47708
more... Books (2): - 理科年表
丸善出版 2024 ISBN:9784621310298
- 実験医学増刊 Vol.39 No.10「相分離 メカニズムと疾患」
羊土社 2021 ISBN:9784758103954
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