J-GLOBAL ID:201901016454065556
Update date: Jul. 26, 2024 Jishi Tomohiro
ジシ トモヒロ | Jishi Tomohiro
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Agricultural environmental and information engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5): - 2024 - 2027 変動環境下において植物の可塑性の限界をもたらす要因の解明と環境制御技術への応用
- 2021 - 2024 植物の水利用戦略からみた光環境とストレス要因の複合影響の解明と環境制御への応用
- 2020 - 2023 光合成経路の統合モデル構築およびそれに基づく個葉光合成特性推定手法の開発
- 2018 - 2021 Evaluation of interactive effects of environmental factors on biomass allocation of plants and its application to plant phenomics research
- 2017 - 2020 複数種光受容体の時間遅れ応答速度差を利用した植物の成育制御法
Papers (13): -
Tomohiro JISHI, Kyohei NISHINO, Ryo MATSUDA, Akira YANO, Kazuhiro FUJIWARA. Cos lettuce growth under pulsed light generated with full-wave rectification of 50 Hz sine-wave alternating-current power. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology. 2024. 80. 2. 35-40
Kazuhiro FUJIWARA, Tomohiro JISHI, Kyohei NISHINO, Akira YANO. Net photosynthetic rate of cos lettuce under pulsed light generated with full-wave rectification of 50 Hz sine-wave alternating-current power. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology. 2023. 79. 3. 104-108
Tomohiro Jishi, Takashi Ishii, Kazuhiro Shoji. Cultivation of cos lettuce using blue LED and quantum dot wavelength conversion sheets. Scientia Horticulturae. 2022. 295. 110772-110772
Tomohiro Jishi, Ryo Matsuda, Kazuhiro Fujiwara. Manipulation of Intraday Durations of Blue- and Red-Light Irradiation to Improve Cos Lettuce Growth. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021. 12
Tomohiro Jishi, Ryo Matsuda, Kazuhiro Fujiwara. Blue Light Monochromatic Irradiation for 12 Hours in Lighting Pattern with Combinations of Blue and Red Light Elongates Young Cos Lettuce Leaves and Promotes Growth under High Daily Light Integral. HortScience. 2021. 56. 8. 940-945
more... Books (3): - 新時代に向けた植物工場ビジネス : 人工光型植物工場を中心とした採算・収益性のUp、有用植物の栽培、AI/IoTの活用
情報機構 2020 ISBN:9784865021813
- アグリフォトニクスIII ~植物工場の最新動向と将来展望
シーエムシー出版 2018 ISBN:9784781313528
- Smart Plant Factory: The next generation indoor vertical farms
Springer 2018 ISBN:9789811310645
Work history (2): - 2017/10 - 現在 電力中央研究所 グリッドイノベーション研究本部 ENIC研究部門 主任研究員
- 2017/04 - 2017/09 Osaka Prefecture University
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