2019 - 2022 Development of Adsorption System for Environmental Contaminants using temperature-responsive self-assembling peptides
2019 - 2020 ハイブリッド型天然物様中分子の一挙創製
2019 - 2020 溶媒摂動法を用いた核内受容体化学研究:リガンド結合特性の評価と創薬への応用
2017 - 2020 学際的創薬化学研究:合成と活性評価について
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2014 - 2015 生薬成分の一挙誘導化による四置換炭素含有新規αーアミノ酸誘導体の創製研究
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Papers (31):
Kotaro Ezoe, Kosuke Murakami, Keisuke Tomohara, Hisanori Nambu. Synthesis of donor-acceptor type 1,1-bis(sulfonyl)cyclopropanes from active bis(sulfonyl)methylene compounds using sulfonium salts. Tetrahedron. 2025. (in press)
Keisuke Tomohara*, Takeru Nose, Hisanori Nambu. Straightforward synthesis of unnatural α,α-disubstituted α-amino acid derivatives using readily accessible building blocks. Synlett. 2024. (in press)
Naoki Tanaka, Keitaro Suyama, Keisuke Tomohara, Takeru Nose*. Exploring LCST- and UCST-like Behavior of Branched Molecules Bearing Repeat Units of Elastin-like Peptides as Side Components. Biomacromolecules. 2024. 25. 7156-7166
Keisuke Tomohara*, Satoru Kusaba, Mana Masui, Tatsuya Uchida, Hisanori Nambu, Takeru Nose*. Ammonium carboxylates in ammonia-Ugi reaction: one-pot synthesis of α,α-disubstituted amino acid derivatives including unnatural dipeptides. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2024. 22. 6999-7005