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J-GLOBAL ID:201901017242674699   Update date: Feb. 23, 2025

Yoshioka Kento

Yoshioka Kento
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Lecturer
Research field  (1): Pharmacology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (7):
  • 2024 - 2027 n-3系PUFAはストア作動性Caチャネルを標的として気管平滑筋の収縮を抑制する
  • 2023 - 2026 α-リノレン酸は脳動脈収縮を即時的かつDHA・EPAに匹敵するほど強力に抑制する
  • 2021 - 2024 下部泌尿器平滑筋の収縮機能異常に対するγ-リノレン酸の抑制効果の分子基盤
  • 2021 - 2024 ドコサヘキサエン酸による脳血管特異的収縮抑制効果の機序に関わる分子基盤の構築
  • 2020 - 2023 Mechanisms which underlie the immediate inhibitory effects by n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids of coronary artery contraction
Show all
Papers (39):
  • Keisuke Obara, Kento Yoshioka, Yoshio Tanaka. Platelet-activating Factor (PAF) in Urinary Bladder Smooth Muscle (UBSM): Its Novel Role as a Potential Inducer of Detrusor Overactivity and the Mechanisms Underlying Its Effects in Enhancing UBSM Mechanical Activities. YAKUGAKU ZASSHI. 2024. 144. 11. 997-1007
  • Keisuke Obara, Yuki Usami, Risa Okamoto, Kento Yoshioka, Yoshio Tanaka. Evaluation of inhibitory actions of antidepressants on muscarinic receptors assessed by a binding assay in the mouse cerebral neocortex. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences. 2024
  • Keisuke Obara, Kento Yoshioka, Yoshio Tanaka. Effects of Platelet-Activating Factor (PAF) on the Mechanical Activities of Lower Urinary Tract and Genital Smooth Muscles. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2024. 47. 9. 1467-1476
  • Kento Y, Keisuke O, Mikoto O, Mayu K, Yuri N, Hinako M, Toma Y, Noboru S, Yutaka N, Yoshio T. Alpha-linolenic acid selectively inhibits the contraction of pig coronary arteries mediated through prostanoid TP receptors. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences. 2024. 155. 4. 148-151
  • Keyue Xu, Miyuki Shimizu, Toma Yamashita, Mako Fujiwara, Shunya Oikawa, Guanghan Ou, Naho Takazakura, Taichi Kusakabe, Keisuke Takahashi, Keisuke Kato, et al. Inhibitory mechanisms of docosahexaenoic acid on carbachol-, angiotensin II-, and bradykinin-induced contractions in guinea pig gastric fundus smooth muscle. Scientific reports. 2024. 14. 1. 11720-11720
MISC (22):
  • 見上 英樹, 吉岡 健人, 鈴木 健一, 鵜飼 啓太, 幡野 雅彦, 巽 浩一郎, 粕谷 善俊. 新規肺線維症モデルマウスの構築. 日本獣医学会学術集会講演要旨集. 2018. 161回. 433-433
  • Hiroki Umezawa, Yusuke Naito, Kensuke Tanaka, Kento Yoshioka, Tatsuhiko Sudo, Masahiko Hagihara, Masahiko Hatano, Koichiro Tatsumi, Yoshitoshi Kasuya. Inhibition of p38 alpha improved functional outcome in a mouse model of spinal cord injury: the involvement of p38 alpha in tissue regeneration. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2017. 133. 3. S130-S130
  • Kento Yoshioka, Kana Namiki, Tatsuhiko Sudo, Yoshitoshi Kasuya, Masahiko Hatano. In vitro expansion of neural stem cells derived from the adult hippocampus. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2017. 133. 3. S113-S113
  • Tetsuo Fujita, Kento Yoshioka, Hiroki Umezawa, Yusuke Naito, Kensuke Tanaka, Koichiro Tatsumi, Masahiko Hatano, Yoshitoshi Kasuya. Role of CD69 in the pathogenesis of elastase-induced pulmonary inflammation and emphysema. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2016. 130. 3. S249-S249
  • Takeshi Kobayashi, Kensuke Tanaka, Tetsuo Fujita, Hiroki Umezawa, Hiroyuki Amano, Kento Yoshioka, Yusuke Naito, Masahiko Hatano, Sadao Kimura, Hidenori Nakamura, et al. The bidirectional role of IL-6 signal in the development of lung fibrosis. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2016. 130. 3. S100-S100
Lectures and oral presentations  (12):
  • モルモット大動脈のフェニレフリンによる収縮反応機序-α<SUB>1L</SUB>-アドレナリン受容体とストア作動性Ca<SUP>2+</SUP>チャネル及び電位依存性Ca<SUP>2+</SUP>チャネルの機能的共役の可能性-
    (日本薬学会第144年会 2024)
  • 冠動脈、脳底動脈の収縮反応に対するエイコサペンタエン酸(EPA)の抑制効果の機序-プロスタノイドTP受容体での拮抗作用の可能性-
    (日本薬学会第144回年会 2024)
  • モルモット胸部大動脈のα<SUB>1L</SUB>-アドレナリン受容体を介した収縮反応に関与する細胞内情報伝達機構の検討-細胞外液からのCa<SUP>2+</SUP>流入経路に着目した検討-
    (第65回日本平滑筋学会総会 2023)
  • エイコサペンタエン酸 (EPA) はU46619、プロスタグランジン (PG) F<SUB>2α</SUB>によるプロスタノイドTP受容体を介したブタ冠動脈、脳底動脈の収縮反応を抑制する
    (第65回日本平滑筋学会総会 2023)
  • 膀胱平滑筋の収縮活動に対する各種プロスタノイドの影響とプロスタノイドTP受容体の役割
    (第4回下総薬理学研究会 2023)
Work history (2):
  • 2023/01 - 現在 Toho University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Lecturer
  • 2021/01 - 現在 Toho University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Assistant Professor
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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