J-GLOBAL ID:201901017738274887
Update date: Feb. 05, 2025 Hayashi-Kimura Sanae
Hayashi-Kimura Sanae
Affiliation and department: Research field (3):
, Gastroenterology
, Home economics, lifestyle science
Research keywords (6):
, 肝臓病学
, 肝炎ウイルス
, B型肝炎
, 動脈硬化
, メタボリックシンドローム
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 2023 - 2026 核酸アナログ耐性機序の解明及び多剤耐性HBVに有効な新規治療薬の開発
- 2020 - 2023 テノホビル(TDF)に対する新規耐性HBVの同定と耐性メカニズムの解明
- 2016 - 2018 Elucidating the mechanism of ameliorated liver disease and HBs antigen elimination by nucleos(t)ide analogs in chronic hepatitis B patients
- 2015 - 2016 B型慢性肝炎に対する新規免疫治療の探索
Papers (24): -
Kwang Su Kim, Masashi Iwamoto, Kosaku Kitagawa, Hyeongki Park, Sanae Hayashi, Senko Tsukuda, Takeshi Matsui, Masanori Atsukawa, Kentaro Matsuura, Natthaya Chuaypen, et al. Prediction of cccDNA dynamics in hepatitis B patients by a combination of serum surrogate markers. PLoS computational biology. 2025. 21. 1. e1012615
Kosaku Kitagawa, Kwang Su Kim, Masashi Iwamoto, Sanae Hayashi, Hyeongki Park, Takara Nishiyama, Naotoshi Nakamura, Yasuhisa Fujita, Shinji Nakaoka, Kazuyuki Aihara, et al. Multiscale modeling of HBV infection integrating intra- and intercellular viral propagation for analyzing extracellular viral markers. PLOS Computational Biology. 2024. 20. 3. 1011238-1011238
Takehisa Watanabe, Sanae Hayashi, Yan Zhaoyu, Hiroki Inada, Katsuya Nagaoka, Masakuni Tateyama, Yasuhito Tanaka. A novel, small anti-HBV compound reduces HBsAg and HBV-DNA by destabilizing HBV-RNA. Journal of gastroenterology. 2024. 59. 4. 315-328
Hiroki Kumamoto, Nobuyo Higashi-Kuwata, Sanae Hayashi, Debananda Das, Haydar Bulut, Ryoh Tokuda, Shuhei Imoto, Kengo Onitsuka, Yuka Honda, Yuki Odanaka, et al. Synthesis of novel entecavir analogues having 4'-cyano-6''-fluoromethylenecyclopentene skeletons as an aglycone moiety as highly potent and long-acting anti-hepatitis B virus agent. RSC advances. 2023. 13. 23. 15999-16011
Yuki Takamatsu, Sanae Hayashi, Hiroki Kumamoto, Shuhei Imoto, Yasuhito Tanaka, Hiroaki Mitsuya, Nobuyo Higashi-Kuwata. A Novel Anti-HBV Agent, E-CFCP, restores Hepatitis B virus (HBV)-induced Senescence-associated Cellular Markers Perturbation in Human Hepatocytes. Virus research. 2023. 329. 199094-199094
more... MISC (38): -
渡邊 丈久, 林 佐奈衣, 田中 靖人. B型肝炎診療Cutting edge HBV-RNA destabilizer SAG-524の新規作用機序と臨床応用に向けたin vivoでの有効性評価. 肝臓. 2024. 65. Suppl.1. A18-A18
鍬田 伸好, 林 佐奈衣, 満屋 裕明. B型肝炎診療Cutting edge 新規長時間作用型核酸アナログE-CFCPはHBV感染細胞内cccDNA量の低減を起こす. 肝臓. 2024. 65. Suppl.1. A18-A18
林 佐奈衣, 鍬田 伸好, 渡邊 丈久, 満屋 裕明, 田中 靖人. 新規核酸アナログE-CFCPのgenetic barrierはETVよりも高い. 肝臓. 2024. 65. Suppl.1. A362-A362
渡邊 丈久, 林 佐奈衣, 田中 靖人. B型肝炎診療の未来予想図(現状と課題) HBV-RNAを標的とする新規抗HBV化合物SAGを用いた併用療法の有効性. 肝臓. 2023. 64. Suppl.1. A54-A54
林 佐奈衣, 鍬田 伸好, 田中 靖人, 満屋 裕明. PXBマウス誘導E-CFCP耐性株の耐性度は既知NA耐性変異株に比べて低い. 肝臓. 2023. 64. Suppl.1. A415-A415
more... Education (3): - 2012 - 2015 Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences
- 2006 - 2008 Sugiyama Jogakuen University
- 2002 - 2006 Sugiyama Jogakuen University School of Life Studies (Seikatsuka Gakubu)
Professional career (1): Work history (3): - 2021/01 - 現在 Kumamoto University
- 2011/04 - 現在 Nagoya City University
- 2008/04 - 2011/03 Sugiyama Jogakuen University School of Life Studies (Seikatsuka Gakubu), Department of Human Nutrition
Awards (12): - 2024/08 - 第32回日本抗ウイルス療法学会総会 塩田賞 経口投与可能なHBV destabilizer SAG-524の同定と新規治療戦略
- 2019/11 - 日本肝臓学会 第4回Gilead Sciences Award B型肝炎コアウイルス変異の蓄積による肝発癌メカニズムの解明と臨床応用
- 2019/10 - Hepatitis B Foundation 2019 HBV Meeting Travel Grant award Hepatitis B virus cccDNA is stable during hepatocyte proliferation in vivo.
- 2018/10 - 2018 HBV Meeting Travel Grant award Highly accurate quantification of intrahepatic Hepatitis B virus cccDNA by droplet digital PCR.
- 2018/05 - APASL STC Young Investigator Award A novel association between core mutations in hepatitis B virus genotype F1b and hepatocellular carcinoma in Alaskan Native People.
- 2017/05 - 第27回抗ウイルス療法学会総会 塩田賞 Entecavirよりも持続的かつ強力に抗HBV活性を有する新規核酸アナログCFCPの同定
- 2016/09 - Hepatitis B Foundation 2016 HBV Meeting Travel Grant award Novel 4'-modified nucleoside analogs, CAdA and CdG, strongly suppress the replication of wild-type hepatitis B virus and drug-resistant mutants.
- 2016/03 - 優秀論文賞 Characterization of Novel Entecavir Resistance Mutations.
- 2016/02 - APASL2016 Presidential Award Novel Nucleoside Analogs Exert Antiviral Replication against HBV with Drug Resistance Mutations.
- 2015/12 - 名古屋市立大学医学会賞 B型肝炎治療不応例における新規薬剤耐性変異の同定とウイルス学的特徴の解析
- 2015/10 - Hepatitis B Foundation 2015 HBV Meeting Travel Grant award Hepatocellular Carcinoma-Associated Core N51H Mutation Enhances Infectivity of Hepatitis B Virus Genotype F1b by Facilitating Dimerization of the Core Protein.
- 2014/09 - Hepatitis B Foundation 2014 HBV Meeting Travel Grant award
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Association Membership(s) (3):
, 抗ウイルス療法学会
, The Japan Society of Hepatology
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