Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
2023 - 2026 複雑な運動の質的特性が脳機能に及ぼす影響
2018 - 2022 一過性運動のタイプが認知機能と脳活性に及ぼす影響
2015 - 2018 Differences of exercise modes on changes of physiological and psychological conditions and cognitive functions
2014 - 2017 A Study on Management of the Community Chest as Fundraising Supporting Community Welfare.
2014 - 2017 Development of the masterful movement test battery and evaluation method for introduction to liberal arts education.
2011 - 2013 Effect of physical activity on QOL improvement in consideration of differences of physical activity program types
2007 - 2009 Dose-response between health and physical activity measured by feedback control system theory.
2005 - 2006 フィードバック制御特性に基づいた身体活動量の測定方法の開発
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Papers (38):
Shinji Takahashi, Philip M Grove. Impact of acute open-skill exercise on inhibitory control and brain activation: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. PloS one. 2023. 18. 3. e0276148
高橋 信二. 統計モデルから解く体力・運動能力の個人差-特集 個人差からみた体力・運動能力. 体育の科学 = Journal of health,physical education and recreation. 2022. 72. 3. 189-193
Shinji Takahashi, Tomohiro Kizuka, Yosuke Sakairi. Effects of Music Tempo on Physiological and Psychological Conditions During Moderate Exercise. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE. 2014. 46. 5. 257-258
Matsubara Satoru, Takahashi Shinji. Consideration about Training by the Long-term Record of a Heart Rate and GPS. 2013. 165. 67-78