Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2020 - 2023 The Effect of Practice Tasks on L2 Writing Development: A CAF Perspective
2017 - 2018 EFLにおける学習者エンゲージメント:モデルと実践方法
Papers (21):
Mayumi Asaba. A Case Study of Adaptive Expertise in L2 Teaching at a Japanese University. 2024. 18. 99-105
J. Paul Marlowe, Mayumi Asaba. A Closer Look at L2 Writing Development Through Timed-Writing Practice. Journal of Policy Studies. 2023. 66. 71-79
Mayumi Asaba. The Importance of Teaching Expertise Research for L2 Teaching Contexts. The Language Teacher. 2023. 47. 1. 16-19
J. Paul Marlowe, Mayumi Asaba. A CAF perspective on L2 development through writing practice: An exploratory study. JALY Proceedings. 2022. 2021. 1. 124-134
Mayumi Asaba. Pursuing expertise in L2 writing instruction research. Journal of Second Language Writing. 2022. 58
Temple University, Japan Campus Ph.D. in Education, Concentration in Applied Linguistics
Association Membership(s) (3):
Kansai English Language Education Society
, The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)
, The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET)