J-GLOBAL ID:201901019312304587
Update date: Dec. 25, 2024 Emori Chihiro
Emori Chihiro
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Zoological sciences
Research keywords (2):
, Ovary
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2020 - 2024 Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of fertilization common to vertebrate animal models
- 2021 - 2023 -
Papers (28): -
Yu Ishikawa-Yamauchi, Chihiro Emori, Hideto Mori, Tsutomu Endo, Kiyonori Kobayashi, Yuji Watanabe, Hiroshi Sagara, Takeshi Nagata, Daisuke Motooka, Akinori Ninomiya, et al. Age-associated aberrations of the cumulus-oocyte interaction and in the zona pellucida structure reduce fertility in female mice. Communications Biology. 2024. 7. 1
Yuki Oyama, Kentaro Shimada, Haruhiko Miyata, Rie Iida-Norita, Chihiro Emori, Maki Kamoshita, Seiya Oura, Ryohei Katayama, Martin M Matzuk, Masahito Ikawa. Inhibition of ROS1 activity with lorlatinib reversibly suppresses fertility in male mice. Andrology. 2024
Monique Mills, Chihiro Emori, Parveen Kumar, Zachary Boucher, Joshy George, Ewelina Bolcun-Filas. Single-cell and bulk transcriptional profiling of mouse ovaries reveals novel genes and pathways associated with DNA damage response in oocytes. Developmental biology. 2024. 517. 55-72
Yuki Kaneda, Haruhiko Miyata, Zoulan Xu, Keisuke Shimada, Maki Kamoshita, Tatsuya Nakagawa, Chihiro Emori, Masahito Ikawa. FBXO24 deletion causes abnormal accumulation of membraneless electron-dense granules in sperm flagella and male infertility. eLife. 2024. 13
Anh Hoang Pham, Chihiro Emori, Yu Ishikawa-Yamauchi, Keizo Tokuhiro, Maki Kamoshita, Yoshitaka Fujihara, Masahito Ikawa. Thirteen Ovary-Enriched Genes Are Individually Not Essential for Female Fertility in Mice. Cells. 2024. 13. 10
more... MISC (2): - 古川 最一, 松野 雄太, 江森 千紘, 藤井 渉, 内藤 邦彦, 杉浦 幸二. マウス顆粒膜細胞における線維芽細胞増殖因子受容体の発現およびその制御. Journal of mammalian ova research = 日本哺乳動物卵子学会誌. 2014. 31. 3. 86-92
Chihiro Emori, Karen Wigglesworth, Wataru Fujii, Kunihiko Naito, John J. Eppig, Koji Sugiura. Cooperative Effects of 17 beta-Estradiol and Oocyte-Derived Paracrine Factors on the Transcriptome of Mouse Cumulus Cells (vol 154, pg 4859, 2013). ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2014. 155. 5. 2047-2047
Lectures and oral presentations (7): -
(AdAMS 2023年度成果発表会 2024)
Application of lipid-nanoparticle for transient gene expression in mammalian zygotes
Application of lipid-nanoparticle for transient gene expression in mammalian zygotes
(新学術領域研究 全能性プログラム 第5回公開シンポジウム 2023)
Application of lipid-encapsulated mRNA for transient gene expression in mammalian zygotes.
(56th Annual SSR Meeting 2023)
more... Work history (3): - 2021/04 - 現在 Osaka University
- 2019/10 - 2021/03 Osaka university Specially appointed associated professor
- 2016/04 - 2019/09 The Jackson Laboratory Postdoctral associate
Awards (6): - 2024/02 - good presentation award
- 2023/11 - 大阪大学 大阪大学賞(若手教員部門)
- 2023/09 - 大阪大学 CAMaD 令和5年度若手研究者業績発表会 優秀学術賞
- 2018 - Animal Science Journal Excellent paper award Role of oocyte-derived paracrine factors in follicular development
- 2016/03 - 東京大学大学院 農学生命科学研究科長賞
- 2015 - 東京大学大学院 応用動物科学専攻賞
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