J-GLOBAL ID:201901020054565107
Update date: Oct. 04, 2024 Nakamura Mako
Nakamura Mako
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Homepage URL (2): https://hyoka.ofc.kyushu-u.ac.jp/search/details/K003166/index.html
https://hyoka.ofc.kyushu-u.ac.jp/search/details/K003166/english.html Research field (5):
Developmental biology
, Animal production science
, Applied molecular and cellular biology
, Food sciences
, Education - general
Research keywords (6):
Chicken embryo
, Smooth muscle
, Skeletal muscle
, Differentiation
, Transdifferentiation
, adipocytes
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11): - 2022 - 2025 Adipocyte/myocyte regulation for effective meat production
- 2021 - 2025 Global Gateway in Kyushu University for promoting study abroad
- 2017 - 2021 インバウンド教育ゲートウェイ構築事業
- 2017 - 2020 Fundamental Reserach for improving muscle/meat quality in livestock
- 2013 - 2018 Development of AgriBio Leaders with an International Perspective
- 2015 - 2017 Investigating a mechanism of muscle development and differentiation -Focusing on NUDT7 function-
- 2015 - 2017 Seeking molecular markers for muscle formation in livestocks
- 2011 - 2014 若手研究者による革新的家畜生産学術領域の構築と戦略的国際研究ネットワークの形成
- 2008 - 2012 International Platform for Asian Agricultural Education
- 2009 - 2009 A follow-up study program on transforming agricultural sciences in Indochinese region
- 2008 - 2009 英語による双方向型授業モデルの構築と波及
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Papers (59): -
Sakiho Tanaka, Alaa Elgaabari, Miyumi Seki, So Kuwakado, Kahona Zushi, Junri Miyamoto, Shoko Sawano, Wataru Mizunoya, Kenshiro Ehara, Naruha Watanabe, et al. In vitro immuno-prevention of nitration/dysfunction of myogenic stem cell activator HGF, towards developing a strategy for age-related muscle atrophy. Aging cell. 2024. e14337
Yusuke Komiya, Yuka Sakazaki, Tsuyoshi Goto, Fuminori Kawabata, Takahiro Suzuki, Yusuke Sato, Shoko Sawano, Mako Nakamura, Ryuichi Tatsumi, Yoshihide Ikeuchi, et al. Eicosapentaenoic acid increases proportion of type 1 muscle fibers through PPARδ and AMPK pathways in rats. iScience. 2024. 27. 6. 109816-109816
Saki Egashira, Taro Tachibana, Mako Nakamura, Yasuyuki Ohkawa, Akihito Harada. Production of a Monoclonal Antibody for Histone H2b Isoform H2b3b. Monoclonal antibodies in immunodiagnosis and immunotherapy. 2024. 43. 2. 75-80
田中 咲帆, Alaa Elgaabari, 圖師 歌歩乃, 澤野 祥子, 水野谷 航, 松吉 祐児, 鈴木 貴弘, 中村 真子, 辰巳 隆一. 筋幹細胞活性化因子HGFのニトロ化による不活化に関する研究 抗HGFモノクローナル抗体のニトロ化抑制効果の検証. 日本畜産学会大会講演要旨集. 2023. 131回. 168-168
Takahiro Maeno, Rio Arimatsu, Koichi Ojima, Yuki Yamaya, Hikaru Imakyure, Naruha Watanabe, Yusuke Komiya, Ken Kobayashi, Mako Nakamura, Takanori Nishimura, et al. Netrin-4 synthesized in satellite cell-derived myoblasts stimulates autonomous fusion. Experimental Cell Research. 2023. 430. 1. 113698-113698
more... MISC (61): -
前野岳大, 小川陽平, 尾嶋孝一, 中村真子, 辰巳隆一, 鈴木貴弘. 筋幹細胞で発現するnetrin受容体の筋分化への関与. 日本畜産学会大会講演要旨. 2023. 131st
鈴木貴弘, 前野岳大, 今給黎耀, 川崎佑華, 中田后紀, 小川陽平, 中村真子, 辰巳隆一. 筋幹細胞が合成するsemaphorinおよびnetrinサブファミリーの生理機能に関する研究. 日本筋学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集. 2023. 9th
関 美弓, Alaa Elgaabari, 田中 咲帆, 澤野 祥子, 水野谷 航, 松吉 祐児, 鈴木 貴弘, 中村 真子, 辰巳 隆一. 筋幹細胞活性化因子HGFのニトロ化による不活化に関する研究: ニトロ化を抑制する化合物. 日本畜産学会第130回大会講演要旨. 2022
金子 琉輝, 松吉 祐児, 鈴木 貴弘, 中村 真子, 辰巳 隆一. 筋幹細胞分泌因子semaphorin3Aによる筋線維型制御機構: 速筋型筋線維の形成抑制機能について. 日本畜産学会第130回大会講演要旨. 2022
s. 2022
more... Lectures and oral presentations (10): -
(グローバル人材育成教育学会第10回全国大会 2022)
文理融合型学部における短期オンライン留学プログラムの企画・運営について -九州大学共創学部における取り組みー
(グローバル人材育成教育学会第9回全国大会・第2回遠隔国際大会 2022)
(九州・山口地区高大接続会議 2019)
(IDE大学九州支部「大学のグローバルな高大接続戦略ー海外からいかに優秀な人材を受け入れるか」 2017)
The Programs for Faculty Members and Administrative Staff
(Top Global University Project-Global Human Resource Development Support to Lead the Growth of Economic Society- “Development of AgriBio Leaders with and International Perspective Wrap-up Symposium 2016)
more... Education (3): - 1998 - 2002 Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Ph.D. Program
- 1996 - 1998 Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Master Program
- 1992 - 1996 Japan Women's University Faculty of Science Department of Chemical and Biological Sciencess
Professional career (1): - Ph.D. in medical science (Osaka University)
Work history (5): - 2022/10 - 現在 Kyushu University Faculty of Agriculture Professor
- 2013/03 - 2022/09 Kyushu University Faculty of Agriculture Associate Professor
- 2007/04 - 2013/03 Kyushu University Faculty of Agriculture Senior Assistant Professor
- 2003/10 - 2007/03 University of Massachusetts Medical School, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Postdoctoral Associate
- 2002/04 - 2003/10 Fox Chase Cancer Center, Cell and Developmental Biology Program Postdoctoral Associate
Awards (1): - 2017/09 - Japanese Society for Promotion of Science Award for reviewing grant proposal
Association Membership(s) (4):
, グローバル人材育成学会
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