Research field (2):
, History - Asia/Africa
Research keywords (5):
Sinicized culture in Vietnam
, The Cham people and Champa kingdom
, Fusion of Islam and Confucianism
, Islam in Southeast Asia
, Ethnic minorities in Vietnam
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
2002 - 2025 Early Islamization Reflected in Javanese and Other Texts from Southeast Asia
2020 - 2023 Influence of Indochinese languages and cultures upon the linguistic activities of Kayanic peoples in Borneo Island
2019 - 2022 Muslim-Confucian intellectuals of the Cham and syncretism between Islam and Confucianism in Vietnam
2014 - 2018 Why malaria infections including non-human primate malaria infection occurred in specific group
2006 - 2008 A study on succession of indigenous knowledge in Japanese ODA project sites of Vietnam
Papers (14):
Shine Toshihiko Shine Toshihiko. Về mối quan hệ giữa Ryūkyū (Lưu Cầu) và Việt Nam qua truyện sử. Tạp chí Khoa học Đại học Đông Á. 2024. 3. 1
Toshihiko, Shine. Vietnam-Đại Nam Nguyễn Dynasty's commerce promotion and shipbuilding policy and its impoverishment of local communitiies which are seen in Cham manuscripts: As a prelude to the Cham Muslim Uprising. Annual Journal of The Asian Cultures Research Institute, Toyo University. 2023. 57. 1-13
Professor Cam Trong and the 'King of Water' of the Gia-rai People. ベトナムの社会と文化 = Society and culture of Vietnam = Xã hội và văn hóa Việt Nam. 2018. 8. 281-283
The Chinese and Minh Huong Communities at Hoi An Commercial Port from the 17th to 19th Centuries. ベトナムの社会と文化 = Society and culture of Vietnam = Xã hội và văn hóa Việt Nam. 2018. 8. 234-244
新江 利彦. チャム写本に見るベトナム大南阮朝の対外積極策・造船事業と地域社会の疲弊 : チャム回民蜂起の予兆として-Vietnam-Dai Nam Nguyen Dynasty's commerce promotion and shipbuilding policy and its impoverishment of local communities which are seen in Cham manuscripts : As a prelude to the Cham Muslim Uprising. アジア文化研究所研究年報 = Annual journal of the Asian Cultures Research Institute / 東洋大学アジア文化研究所 編. 2022. 57. 28-40
On the Cham's beaten bark paper and manuscript in Southern-end of the Central Vietnam. 百万塔. 2021. 170. 33-48
Toshihiko Shine. Cosmology of the Chams and a Comparison of It with Confucianism: From the Folktale “Dogs Go to Sue Humans”. SIAS Working Paper Series. 2021. 34. 34. 91-120