J-GLOBAL ID:202001001819174426
Update date: Feb. 27, 2025 Saito Akihiro
Saito Akihiro
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Homepage URL (1): https://researchmap.jp/akhx Research field (2):
, Foreign language education
Research keywords (1):
learner perception; foreign language education and policy; discourse
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): - 2022 - 2026 A mixed-methods study of the relationship between learning strategies, self-efficacy, and self-regulation among English language learners
- 2017 - 2023 Language policy formation and audience discourses in late-modern neoliberal times
- 2014 - 2017 Language learning motivation, investment, and disengagement in higher education
- 2013 - 2016 Development of an English writing textbook for acquiring active communication skills
- 2013 - 2014 音読を取り入れた英語授業改善のためのアクション・リサーチ
- 2008 - 2010 English as an international lingua franca in Japan: Diagnosing attitudes to varieties of English and corresponding language learning motivations among Japanese secondary school learners of English
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Papers (16): -
Akihiro Saito. Improving speech delivery with “read, look up, and say”. The Language Teacher. 2025. 49. 1. 25-26
Akihiro Saito. Dataset on motivations and perceptions regarding teaching as a career among teacher education students. Data in Brief (Elsevier). 2024. 55. 110637
Akihiro Saito. "I chose to receive teacher training because ..." Motivations for teaching and career aspirations among teacher education students in Japan. International Journal of Educational Research Open (Elsevier). 2024. 6. 100330-APC EUR1,420 Exempted
Akihiro Saito, Junko Maeda, Mariko Iwasaki. Adapting the SILL for a foreign language learning setting: Preliminary findings. Proceedings of the 12th Malaysia International Conference on Languages, Literatures and Cultures. 2023. 6-9
Akihiro Saito. Adult language learners’ perceptions of read aloud activities: A participatory case study in an English as a foreign language classroom at an engineering university. 2023. 1. 12-24
more... MISC (10): -
堀越 彩花, 斎藤 明宏. 大学進学、適応、エンゲージメント--教育学部生の体験プロセス--. 白鷗大学教育学部論集. 2022. 16. 1. 199-222
斎藤 明宏. 教育学部生の教職課程履修動機--教職選択影響要因尺度を用いた標本内比較--. 白鷗大学教育学部論集. 2022. 16. 1. 137-147
Akihiro Saito. Effect of self-efficacy on foreign language students’ strategy use(英語学論説資料第52号採録). 白鷗大学教育学部論集. 2018. 12. 2. 53-78
Student Perceptions of an Integrated-skill in English for Academic Purposes Courses : Effectiveness and Avenues for Improvement. 2017. 11. 3. 271-287
Development f a Common Evaluation Sheet for English Micro- Teaching : With a Focus on the Reliability of Peer Assessment. 2017. 11. 3. 91-112
more... Books (5): - Language education policy studies and peace
Deep Education Press 2017 ISBN:9781939755162
- Basic strategies for English writing
八戸印刷工業 2016
- Readings on research methodology in language and educational studies
Penerbit USIM (Islamic Science University of Malaysia Press). 2016 ISBN:9789674402754
- Basics of English grammar
八戸印刷工業 2013 ISBN:9784990708207
- Beyond binaries in education research
Routledge 2011 ISBN:9780415885126
Lectures and oral presentations (21): -
Adaptation and validation of the SILL in a science and engineering EFL context
(58th RELC International Conference 2024 2024)
Validating the shortened version of the SILL for an EFL setting
(APCAL HANU International Conference on “Applied Linguistics - Transformative Trends in the Asia-Pacific Region” 2023)
Adapting the SILL for a foreign language learning setting: Preliminary findings
(12th Malaysia International Conference on Languages, Literatures and Cultures 2023)
Imagining the future: Lay dialogue on language policy
(3rd Language, Identity and Education in Multilingual Contexts 2020)
English as a foreign language students' strategy use: Focus on self efficacy and self regulation
(Asian Conference on Language Learning 2019 2019)
more... Education (4): - - 2016 Swinburne University of Technology Department of Education, School of Social Sciences, Media, Film and Education Higher Education
- - 2013 University of Southern Queensland School of Linguistics, Adult and Specialist Education Applied linguistics
- - 2007 University of Southern Queensland Centre for Language Learning and Teaching University of Southern Queensland
- International Christian University Faculty of Liberal Arts
Professional career (5): - Doctor of Philosophy(博士) (University of Southern Queensland)
- Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching (Higher Education) (Swinburne University of Technology)
- Master of Applied Linguistics Honours (University of Southern Queensland)
- Master of Applied Linguistics (University of Southern Queensland)
- 学士(教養) (国際基督教大学)
Work history (9): - 2021/04 - 現在 東京理科大学 教養教育研究院 准教授
- 2021/04 - 2022/03 Hakuoh University Faculty of Education
- 2019/04 - 2021/03 Hakuoh University Faculty of Education
- 2017/04 - 2019/03 Hakuoh University Faculty of Education
- 2015/04 - 2017/03 Hachinohe Institute of Technology Education Center for Liberal Arts and Technology General Education and Research Center
- 2012/04 - 2015/03 Hachinohe Institute of Technology Education Center for Liberal Arts and Technology General Education and Research Center
- 2008/03 - 2011/03 University of Southern Queensland Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts Australian Government Funded Research Training Scheme (RTS) Higher Degree by Research Student
- 2009/07 - 2010/02 University of Southern Queensland Faculty of Business, Education, Law, and Arts
- 2009/02 - 2009/07 University of Southern Queensland Centre for Research in Transformative Pedagogies Research Assistant
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Committee career (11): - 2023/11 - 現在 Psychology of Language and Communication, De Gruyter Associate Editor
- 2021/05 - 現在 Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction Editorial Board Member
- 2017/04 - 現在 IAFOR Journal of Education Editorial Board Member (Senior Reviewer)
- 2017/04 - 現在 International Academic Forum Senior Reviewer, Editorial Board Member
- 2023/01 - 2024/01 International TESOL & Technology Journal 学会誌及び論文誌の編集者
- 2022/03/01 - 2023/02/28 Editorial Board Member/Managing Editor
- 2021/10 - 2022/12 International TESOL Journal Editorial Board Member
- 2020/05 - 2021/09 Editorial Board Member
- 2015/03/01 - 2021/02/28 Dialogic Pedagogy Journal Editorial Board Member
- 2017/09 - 2018/08 関東甲信越英語教育学会 第42回研究大会 大会実行副委員長 ワークショップ・コー ディネータ
- 2013/05 - 2014/03 Hachinohe City Council Urbanism Ad Hoc Committee Project Team Member
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Awards (4): - 2016/09 - 国際フロンティア奨励賞(日本質的心理学会)
- 2015/03 - 八戸工業大学教育業績賞
- 2007/12 - USQ Postgraduate Research Award Stipend AUD62,934 (Research Training Scheme): Scholarship for Overseas Students equivalent to APA
- 2005/12 - OPACS/LTSU Scholarship Master of Applied Linguistics Honours Research Component Tuition Fee Exemption AUD5,800
Association Membership(s) (5):
Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée
, Applied Linguistics Association of Australia
, Japan Society of Educational Sociology
, 外国語教育メディア学会
, 日本質的心理学会
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