Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2022 - 2025 脊柱靭帯骨化症の骨化進展メカニズムと進展抑制に関する解析
2018 - 2022 Novel 3D image analysis to investigate the ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament progression
Papers (106):
Satoshi Maki, Takeo Furuya, Keiichi Katsumi, Hideaki Nakajima, Kazuya Honjoh, Shuji Watanabe, Takashi Kaito, Shota Takenaka, Yuya Kanie, Motoki Iwasaki, et al. Multimodal Deep Learning-based Radiomics Approach for Predicting Surgical Outcomes in Patients with Cervical Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament. Spine. 2024. 49. 22. 1561-1569
Masayuki Ohashi, Kei Watanabe, Toru Hirano, Kazuhiro Hasegawa, Keiichi Katsumi, Hideki Tashi, Yohei Shibuya, Tatsuo Makino, Hiroyuki Kawashima. Marriage and childbirth of patients who were surgically and non-surgically treated for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a survey at the age of 30 years or older. Spine deformity. 2023. 11. 3. 597-603
Keiichi Katsumi, Kei Watanabe, Akiyoshi Yamazaki, Toru Hirano, Masayuki Ohashi, Tatsuki Mizouchi, Masayuki Sato, Hiroyuki Sekimoto, Tomohiro Izumi, Yohei Shibuya, et al. Predictive biomarkers of ossification progression and bone metabolism dynamics in patients with cervical ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament. European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society. 2023. 32. 4. 1282-1290
2017 - Materialise Mimics Innovation Awards 2017 Asia-Pacific Region 2nd Winner Posterior Instrumented Fusion Suppresses the Progression of Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament
2016 - Eastern Japan Association of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 2016 Award of Eastern Japan Association of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 2016
2013 - 41th Annual Meeting of the Cervical Spine Research Society 2nd Place Clinical Award Paper