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J-GLOBAL ID:202001002583764207   Update date: Mar. 04, 2025

Mori Yasuhiro

モウリ ヤスヒロ | Mori Yasuhiro
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (2): Agricultural and food economics ,  Agricultural sociology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2021 - 2026 The economic value of irrigation in developing countries and dry season vegetable production
  • 2022 - 2023 ドローン・ICT活用による持続的な農村づくりに関する研究
  • 2020 - 2021 防災・減災における「共助」活動主体としての農村経済コミュニティの可能性
Papers (14):
  • Masako Morioka, Mohammad Rondhi, Yasuhiro Mori. Effects of Farm Income Diversification and Labor Out-Migration on Rice Household Productivity in Indonesia. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development. 2024. 21. 2. 69-84
  • Mohammad Rondhi, Hari Nugroho, Soetriono Soetriono, Yasuhiro Mori. Segmented Market of Indonesian Coffee Exports to International Market: RFM Approach. Journal of Coffee and Sustainability. 2024. 01. 02. 79-84
  • Mohammad Rondhi, Stefani Jessica Herlyana Suherman, Clement Billy Hensie, Shohibul Ulum, Anik Suwandari, Rokhani, Yasuhiro Mori, Takumi Kondo. Urbanization Impacts on Rice Farming Technical Efficiency: A Comparison of Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Areas in Indonesia. Water. 2024. 16. 5. 651-651
  • Mohammad Rondhi, Ebban Bagus Kuntadi, Anik Suwandari, Rizky Yanuarti, Ahmad Fatikhul Khasan, Yasuhiro Mori, Takumi Kondo. Impact of Contract Farming on the Technical Efficiency of Broiler Farmers in Indonesia. Economia agro-alimentare. 2023. 25. 1. 35-55
  • Venessa Vasthi Winata, Mohammad Rondhi, Yasuhiro Mori, Takumi Kondo. Technical Efficiency of Paddy’s Farming in Various Types of Paddy’s Seeds in Indonesia. Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian. 2020. 13. 3. 286-295
MISC (7):
  • MORI, Yasuhiro, KURODA, Kana, HIURA, Shino, MORIOKA, Masako. Considerations on Improving Productivity in Dairy Farming in Indonesia : Findings from a Field Survey in East Java. 2024. 49. 1. 1-6
  • マサキ,スグル, モウリ,ヤスヒロ, イノウエ,セイジ, イトウ,トシフミ. Awareness of Rakuno Gakuen University and issues to work on for improvement : From a survey of affiliated high school students. 2024. 48. 2. 33-39
  • 毛利泰大. 私のオススメ図書. ニューカントリー. 2023. 70. 10. 92-92
  • 毛利泰大. 私のオススメ図書. ニューカントリー. 2023. 70. 4. 92-92
  • 毛利泰大. 私のオススメ図書. ニューカントリー. 2022. 69. 10月. 99-99
Books (1):
  • 令和2年,3年度助成研究論文集
    (一財)北海道開発協会開発調査総合研究所 2022
Lectures and oral presentations  (12):
  • Applying Regression Analysis on Geographic Information System Data: A Case of Rice Farmer in Japan
    (International Conference of Food Agriculture And Natural Resource 2023)
  • 北海道南空知水田地域における圃場分散の傾向-GISデータを用いたマクロの状況-
    (日本農業経営学会 2023)
  • How can the income of Indonesian rubber farmers be increased? With big data and small survey
    (Guest lecture at The University of Jember, Indonesia 2023)
  • 水利境界が農家の通い作行動に与える影響 -北海道北海土地改良区の事例-
    (The Association of Rural Planning 2022)
  • 支線組合域を考慮した「通い作」の動向-北海道北海土地改良区における検証-
    (The Farm Management Society of Japan 2022)
Education (3):
  • - 2018 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Agriculture
  • - 2014 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Agriculture
  • - 2009 Hokusei Gakuen University School of Economics Department of Economics
Professional career (1):
  • Ph.D in Agriculture (Hokkaido University)
Work history (5):
  • 2022/04 - 現在 Rakuno Gakuen University College of Agriculture, Food and Environment Sciences Department of Sustainable Agriculture
  • 2019/04 - 現在 Hokusei Gakuen University
  • 2020/04 - 2021/03 Rakuno Gakuen University College of Agriculture, Food and Environment Sciences Department of Sustainable Agriculture
  • 2018/04 - 2019/09 Rakuno Gakuen University
  • 2015/04 - 2018/03 Hokusei Gakuen University Junior College
Committee career (1):
  • 2022/04 - 現在 北海道農業経済学会 編集委員
Association Membership(s) (6):
Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics ,  農村計画学会 ,  北海道農業経済学会 ,  日本国際地域開発学会 ,  日本農業経営学会 ,  日本農業経済学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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